
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all,

I need to connect a point and a group of geometries with their closest one and generate a network of proximity.

the rules I need are

-join the point with the nearest geometry (or more depending on the threshold)

-join each geometry with the nearest one (or more depending on the threshold)

-be sure all geometries are connected with the network

on my very first solution, I come accross a problem where sometimes groups of geometries may be connected with each other but not connected to the whole system

on a more complicated solution I tried an iterative process but still failed 

working with iterations of repeating operations (using clusters)

-from one point it looks for the closest geometry, and traces a line (there's a threshold slider where you can search for geometries that are similarly closer and connect them too)

-then the new starting points would be the newly connected geometries, and then it looks for the closest other geometries from them

-for the last standing geometries it looks for a near island from all the network... but still not always working it creates not really sensible networks of closest connections

like in this case

I guess the more simple one is the way to go... but still not sure..

I tried using shortest walk but couldn't figure out how to...

would appreciate any comments,



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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rabbit,

You wrote about an iterative process, but in your definition you don't use any iterative component!

I suggest you to use Anemone.

Download it, add it to rhino and restart rhino, then try the attached solution.

What it does:

- starting from the active or "on" islands search for the nearest "off island"

(this by considering all "on islands" as a whole system, meaning at every cycle it will find just 1 new island, not optimized)

- move the newly active "on island" from list "off" to list "on"

- add the new connection line to the connections list


Probably it is possible to do some tweaks to speed up the whole process.

This solution is "stupid", do a lot of work for just 1 island at time.

Tell me if it works for you.

Bye! :D


amazing ricardo!! it works like a charm.

I had no idea about that component, all my project is based on iterations and it's done manually haha



hi Ricardo,

quick question, I've been trying to figure out a way of sorting the outputs of your definition.

to know which islands are first degree, 2nd, 3rd, etc of connection to the city...

any ideas? :°


It's doable. (does this word exist? XD I'm italian.)

Each new activated island "read" the degree of his "father" island, and make his level that +1.

But... sorry. I'm working atm.



Puoi scrivere in italiano haha

Non c'é fretta.  Ho capito quello che dici, ho tentato di farlo ma non sono riuscito.




hi riccardo,

non sono ancora riuscito haha

where do you say I should change the degree? so I have each island degree on a different branch? 

all islands in first degree in a branch, all in second in another.. and so on?

(ti risponderò in inglese per non isolarci dal forum)

Had few time lately...

This is a solution... but i'd like to make it better...

try this for now...



ciao riccardo,

thank you, it works well. 

I can use this no problem!









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