
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Menu shortcuts are customizable, but there are a some special keys and mouse-button combinations that trigger specific functions in the Grasshopper canvas.


  • RMB+Drag = Pan left/right/up/down
  • RMB+Ctrl+Drag = Zoom in/out
  • Scroll Wheel = Zoom in/out
  • MMB+Click = Wheel menu
  • Spacebar = Wheel menu
  • LMB+Alt+Drag = Split objects (aka 'The Moses Tool')

While over an empty canvas spot:

  • LMB+Drag = selection rectangle
  • LMB+Shift+Drag = addition selection rectangle 
  • LMB+Ctrl+Drag = removal selection rectangle
  • RMB+Click = Canvas menu

While over an object:

  • LMB+Drag = Drag selected objects
  • LMB+Shift+Drag = Drag selected objects along 45-degree guides
  • LMB+Drag+Alt = Copy all dragging objects
  • LMB+Click = Either select one object or do nothing if object is already selected
  • LMB+Shift+Click = Add an object to the selection
  • LMB+Ctrl+Click = Remove an object from the selection 
  • LMB+Ctrl+Shift+Click = Toggle the selection state
  • LMB+Ctrl+Alt = Info mode
  • LMB+Ctrl+Shift+Alt = Save info mode as image
  • RMB+Click = Object context menu

While over an input/output grip:

  • LMB+Drag = Create a new wire
  • LMB+Shift+Drag = Create a new wire without erasing old wires
  • LMB+Ctrl+Drag = Erase an existing wire by tracing over it
  • LMB+Ctrl+Shift+Drag = Move all existing wires to some other grip
  • LMB+Drag+RMB = Create a new wire without exiting the wire tool
  • LMB+Drag+RMB+Shift = Add a wire without exiting the wire tool
  • LMB+Drag+RMB+Control = Remove a wire without exiting the wire tool

While over a component icon on the toolpanels:

  • LMB+Shift+Click = Create a component aggregate

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No not in GH 1.0.

Wire types are not handled by Components only Parameters. There are plans to include this behaviour in GH 2.0 

Shortcut Keys:

Ctrl + Q - Preview/Hide
Insert - Bake Selected
Ctrl + E - Enable/Disable

Ctrl + G - Group selected

helpful, Tnx. 

I wish there was a hot key for 'Param Viewer' I am constantly adding it to compare tree structures.

You can always create aliases. Right click on any component to do so. See below.

nice, thank you

LMB+Ctrl+Shift+Drag = Move all existing wires to some other grip

Is there also "Copy all existing wires to some other grip"?

LMB+Ctrl+Shift+Drag = Move all existing wires to some other grip

Is there also "Copy all existing wires to some other grip"?

Just came across this again...Does anyone know how?



Nope, right clicks aren't handled by the mass-wire-mover. 


I'm automating a series of tasks in GH and am trying to navigate through a couple of saved views in grasshopper to control the data flow. My problem is that I couldn't figure out a shortcut key for "view -> restore named view". I checked the preferences/interface to see if I can assign a hotkey, but couldn't figure it out. Is there a way?

Thank you,



Do you know shortcut to move all existing wires to some other grip on mac?






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