
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is there any way of splitting surface into a number of sub-surfaces where each sub-surface has a defined area?

If any one has a clue of how doing it I would really appreciate the help.

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If you can post up your surface that would be a great help, I maybe wrong but I think its only possible to mathematically do this on some surfaces, not all. 

Well thank you for your answer, I attached the surface i want to split and I added the area needed for each surface.

Do you think that can be done via grasshopper to define a split surface according to areas we have?

Thank you


For one thing, your list of areas adds up to 3900 while your surface has an area of 4026.935.

Secondly, there are an infinite number of solutions, depending on the shapes of each area.

Finally, this sounds like you're still trying to solve the problem of distorting the shape of circles with a given area to fit a confined 2D space?  Not so simple, eh?

Thank you for the follow up.

And yes it is the continuity of the first problem (solved) so it is not really a problem anymore


Using the trial and error method?

If you are asking about how I solved the problem of the distorting the shape of circles with a given area to fit a confined 2D space, the biggest problem in this was that sometimes I have intersecting elements (shapes, or circles) within themselves, or within a given boundaries. 

The best solution that I figured out is to use galapagos to generate some iteration of these shapes giving me the  best fitted solutions.. 

I am not convinced yet of the result, since it is not generic for all kind of boundaries (meaning when I have sometimes some tiny surfaces or others..) 

Anyhow it seems to be a good solution to me for now, knowing that I only get to know grasshopper 2 months ago... and i wanted to test it in the generation of form finding and paneling.. 

well, I admit it is not really easy and sometimes I have the impression that it takes lot of time to solve a problem or know how to generate smething while I believe it can be easier..

I am talking from an architect point of view who knows nothing about grasshopper and programming in general...

Cheers and thank you again for your help )






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