
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

My English is not terrible so I use google translation.
So be lenient.
I work in hydraulics and I model 3D structures such as arch dams, gravity dams or large earthmoving projects.
I switch this year for rhino RhinoTerrain & & V-Ray + GRASSHOPPER
I have a typical section of road (berm slope platform) with variable parameter in grasshopper.
I would like extruding along a track that I just look in rhino or creates in grasshopper.
But impossible for grasshopper rhino while it happens!!

So I would launch a command with _sweep1 parameter x and y the rail profile.

Thank you in advance for your help ...

Message d'origine:

Mon anglais n'est pas terrible j'utilise donc google traduction.
Donc être indulgent.
Je travaille dans l'hydraulique et je modélise en 3D des ouvrages comme des barrages voûtes, barrage  poids ou encore de grands projets de terrassement.
J'ai basculer cette année pour rhino& rhinoterrain & V-Ray + GRASSHOPPER
J'ai une coupe type de route (risberme talus plate-forme) dans grasshopper avec paramètre variable.
J'aimerais extruder suivant un rail que je viens chercher dans rhino ou crée dans grasshopper.
Mais impossible pour grasshopper tandis que rhino y arrive !!!!

J'aimerais donc lancé une commande _sweep1 avec paramètre x le rail et y le profil.

Merci d'avance de votre aide...

Views: 1369


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After test:
VB scipt:
rhUtil.RhinoSweep1 (x, y)
X Oncurve
Y Oncurve
Error: A value of type 'RMA.OpenNURBS.OnCurve' can not be converted to 'RMA.Rhino.MArgsRhinoSweep1'. (Line 83)
Error: A value of type 'RMA.OpenNURBS.OnCurve' can not be converted to 'Table 1 dimension (s) RMA.OpenNURBS.OnBrep'. (Line 83)

Message d'origine:

Après essai:
VB Scipt:
rhUtil.RhinoSweep1(x, y)
X Oncurve
Y Oncurve
Error: Une valeur de type 'RMA.OpenNURBS.OnCurve' ne peut pas être convertie en 'RMA.Rhino.MArgsRhinoSweep1'. (line 83)
Error: Une valeur de type 'RMA.OpenNURBS.OnCurve' ne peut pas être convertie en 'Tableau à 1 dimension(s) de RMA.OpenNURBS.OnBrep'. (line 83)

Hi Rhymone,


If you're coding Sweep1, perhaps this discussion will help:



I think StructDrawRhino should also be capable of producing the sweeps you need (if you want to save the headaches of coding the orientation of curves etc).


You can build up custom libraries of profiles (refer the letter 'c' and number '3'  in the above image) and I'm happy to implement any suggestions or requirements if particular improvements or alternative sweep orientations are required.


Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss and I can explain further.






In your examples that are merely forms of "simple ".

My profile is not perpendicular to the curve ...

His works also?


Dans vos exemples ce ne sont que des formes "simple".

Mon profil n'est pas perpendiculaire à la courbe ...

Sa marche aussi ?


I have readen this post :

I have used this code _sweep1.ghx but with my elements it's impossible.

You,Have you succeded with this code?


J'ai lu ce post:

Utiliser le code fournis _sweep1.ghx mais je n'arrive pas à le faire fonctionné avec mes élèments.

Marche-t-il pour vous ?


Hi Rhymone,


The code for the scripting component I referred to worked for geometry I've used.

Can you post (or send to me) an example of a sweep rail and profile that is not working?





Hi jon,

I have succeded to extrude by_sweep my profile with rail but is 2D rail.

i would like to extrude my profile according to my sweep with grasshoper,

The sweep is managed by the slope, and altitude.

So the sweep defined is a 3Dcurve !!


When I launch the command with  a 2Dcurve it's OK (grasshopper)

When I launch the command with  a 3Dcurve it's OK with rhino.

But with grasshopper it's not OK..


Thanks for your response...

PS:pointfouille.3dm & fouille.ghx

Message d'origine:

J'ai reçu à l'extruder en 2D.

J'aimerais extrudé mon profil selon mon rail qui est gérer dans grasshopper par la pente, et l'altitude de départ donc au final j'ai une courbe 3D.
Lorsque je lance la commande sur le rail 2D sa marche.
Lorsque je lance la commande sur rhino en 3D sa marche.
Mais dans grasshopper sa ne marche pas


Hi Rhymone,


There will be a setting somewhere in the sweep code to enable it to work with non-planar rails, I haven't had a chance to investigate where and what that is, but I did quickly update my StructDrawRhino code for sweeping and it seems to be producing the result you need.  If you wish to try it, installation instructions are here:


I've attached my definition, the plugin sweep works best if you place the profile in the global YZ plane (it treats the sweep path as the x axis).


Hope it helps,




I have a trial version of Rhino 4.
Should I wait to install the complete,for instal geometry gym?


Je n'ai qu'une version d'évaluation de rhino 4.
Dois je attendre la complète pour installer geometry gym?

Hi Rhymone,


All plugins should work with evaluation/trial version of Rhino, except after 25 saves they are disabled.  I'm not sure if you have to reinstall when you change to a purchased version, but it is not a big deal to do so.





Please re-join your ghx file fouille.ghx.




Did my file not open?  Make sure you have the latest version of SDR installed and run the rhino command sdrZZLicenseRequest


I've attached the file again in xml format.







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