
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I had to learn how works the gumball for another project, and took the opportunity to implement it in a gh component. A hand tool goes a bit against in a programming environment such as gh, but is useful for troubleshooting the "stiffness" of this environment. This component allows to use the gumball of Rhino in Grasshopper, at least some of its features.

Changes in the current version 0.0.2 | 26/01/2016.

- Fixed some bugs, fixed undo process.

- Implemented to work with datatree/branches.

- Added option for numeric actions. Ctrl + click on arrow/rotate/scale and set a numeric value (rotate in degrees).

- Added grid snap for arrows.

Please update the component and file. Let me know if you find some bug.

Note* By changing the part of serialization, you can find error messages when you open a file containing the previous version of the component, these transform data are considered lost.

The code is available on my github.

Enjoy it!


Views: 9170


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Comment by 未知 on January 18, 2016 at 7:57pm


Comment by Daniel González Abalde on January 18, 2016 at 3:55pm

Thanks Morris,
as you can read above, this component does not work with branches yet, just flattens the input.

Comment by Morris Duncan on January 18, 2016 at 3:31pm

Hi! It seems it has issues with "graft" items.

I tried to move points of a grid and is not working well.

Congrats for the component!!!





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