
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi [uto] and thanks for all your great work.

I am wondering if it would be possible to have an explanation of the correct way to assign materials using the EcoSetUserMaterial component?

I presume EcoSetUserMaterial performs an override of whatever material and type is assigned to the object during EcoMeshExport? I can not seem to work out how to do this correctly though. Some clarification on the right sequencing of things here would be greatly appreciated, many thanks.



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Hi Gustav,

thanks a lot, what exactly do you not understand?

So you are totally right. Ecosetusermaterial sets the material of the exported element with the use of the unique ID of the element and the sets the material of the material using the ecotect database.

Please refer also to our Manual which is included in the Start/gecoGH/addons Folder

let me knew if you Need an example.


Hi to],

Thanks for your reply and yes, please, an example would be great. What I'm not able to solve is that the EcoMeshExport in itself has a material and type assignment which as far as I can tell can not be deactivated. Once this has been set I am unable to override that material with the (custom) one I'm feeding into EcoSetUserMaterial / EcoSetMaterial.

Your advice is appreciated, many thanks.


"Hi tomas how does the eco set user material component work? I need if possible an exemple to follow it ,please it's so importante for my thesis progress ,thank's" 

Hi Cherif,

you need to add your user material in the material library of ecotect first.

After that you can use the unique name or ID to assign it via grasshopper - geco

Hi tomas ,

Firstovall I would like to thank you for your great work in geco and your replies for our problems ,I did what you said but the problem is always the same the export mesh get it default library 

I am wondering if it would be possible to have an explanation of the correct way to assign materials using the EcoSetUserMaterial component?


Nb: I have the latest version Geco 10045

Hi tomas , 

For More comprehension take a look in the diffenition maybe I had forget something too.


Hi Tomas , 

Always waiting for an answer or a solution to my problem , thanks






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