
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

[solved] split building mass component works for only a few masses

in the attached demo file, the split building mass component only processed a few of the masses for the lower floors of the building.

May I ask what is causing the problem?

Thank you!

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it seems the workflow only works for the first 9 massing ....

Appreciate if you can kindly advise!


Hi Grasshope,

I have analyzed your file, for some wierd reason, Honeybee's component cannot read 4 breps correctly as can you see on the image below. And they cause problems.

I have modified and simplified your script using cap function and now it works fine.

You could make a script that changes height of section planes inside a range so the height of floors change, too.




Noted with many many thanks, Antonello!

I learn a lot from your suggestions!

I'll try to test the model for E+ simulation.

Thanks Grasshope and Antonello. I think we should log this as a bug or as an enhancement request on github.

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for being so late here.  I have put in a bit of code to stop the component from failing and you can find this in the attached file.

Still, I wish I could make this component work in all cases but, as I mentioned in the tutorial video, it is not going to be possible to make a component that will work for all cases (there were just too many bugs in Rhinocommon that came to the surface when I was writing this one).

One thought that I have had is to separate this component into one that splits masses into floors, which I know can be written to never fail, and another that splits flors into core/perimeter, which won't work in all cases but I can get better control over the failures this way.

Let me know if this will be helpful and I will add it to the github issues.








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