
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am Pol from Zetoff. We are working on a marketplace that will allow designers to sell totally customizable 3D models, which then can be 3D printed and shipped to the end customer.

Totally customizable means that models can be modified as you would do with Grasshopper and Rhino. In order to do that, we have created a tool that converts Grasshopper files into interactive Web Applications. This way, people without Grasshopper and Rhino knowledge can customize the 3D model. This opens the possibility to non-experts to personalize objects based on existing designs by just changing variable parameters.

More information can be obtained at Zetoff Import.

What do you think? Is this something that you may want to use?

We are super-excited about this project. Currently, we have a working prototype and soon we will have a private alpha. If you are interested, post on this thread or contact us ;).

If you want to support the project don't forget to sign up. 


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Hi Pol,

I'm really interested in your project.

I am interested to test.

Thank you beforehand.


Cool! Added to the list. ;)

Awesome, thank you!

I took time waiting for this. What I need is to show to the customer a generative design, but he not needs to register (just to see) or search in the page or wait 3 minutes to load the model; and a number code or something to know which combination of parameters the customer chose. If you do it that simple for the customer, I think your site will be very successful. The business model is commission by sold model? I think that might work.
Please allow me to enter in the alpha release.

It will be very simple for "normal" users. Signing up will not be required to interact with the models. 

The business model will be based on commission for every sold model. The final model is still under study but the price for the end-customer will be something like: cost of manufacturing + cost of shipping + designer markup + our commission. 

Sounds like a serious system. Do you run a room full of CPUs or did you port Windows to Unix? I wonder how it works.

Also, is this exclusively a 3D printing service or is there also a way to simply have customers submit designs to my own company, or even use your kit to develop our own service, say a CNC job shop?

nikwillmore @

Porting Windows to Unix... half true :P.

Right now we focused on the 3D printing service side, but we are also exploring other ways on how this service can be used. Right now we are a bit busy, but I would like to talk with you in the next to weeks to better understand your needs. ;)

Hi Pol,

very interesting project.

It would be quite good to give to the user an opportunity of downloading of contours for a laser-beam cutting on the basis of the model customized by it in one of vector formats, for example dxf.

Certainly after the corresponding payment ;)

Hello Pol,

I would be delighted to be included in your Alpha test.



Hi Pol, 

Would love to test the alpha software. Thank you in advance.


Hi Pol, I love your idea bussines! 

Would love to test the alpha software. 


Hi Pol!

I am excited by what you did!

it seems really interesting and with a lot of potentional!!

I would be more interested in using your application as a communication tool between me and my customers. Subject of design would be just exploration of different design variations, so it doesn't really has something to do with 3d printing.. would you consider something like that in the near future?!

thanks and well done!



Hi Pol,
I'd like to test your beta version for fashion sector.
We are doing interesting definitions in .gh for this industry and your web application could be tested in cases of very real interest.

Thank you! 







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