
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

GH 08.0003 loading error in RH5x64 in combination with T-splines WIP3

Hi David and Tom


Grasshopper 08.0003 refuses to work in combination with TSplinesForRhino3_0_6808_64.

this are the two error messages i get:





























i will also try it with GH08.0004 as soon as the new RH5x64 WIP will be released



Views: 798

Replies to This Discussion

Hi [to,


we've seen this error before a few times. Sometimes it only fails the first time this function is called. Do you get this error repeatedly?



David Rutten

Delft, NL

yes i get it always,...after i close the second window and try again i only get the 2 one.

After closing and reopening rhino same problem.

When i uninstall T-splines everything works fine


you are in Delft now?

I'll take a look at it as well.  I've been doing a lot of .net stuff lately, and it's likely that I messed something up.

I'm trying to see this problem with .8.0004, the latest RH5x64 WIP, and T-Splines 3 WIP 3 r6808, and I'm not seeing it.  Could you let me know if you still see the problem with the latest?



Hi Tom

sorry for coming back to this problem one day delayed

After a bit more bug-tracing i encountered the problem.

There is a conflict between weaverbird 0.4 and t-splines Wip3 in Rhino 5

if i uninstall Weaverbird, GH08.0004 can start as normal otherwise i get loading exceptions on all  weaverbird components and this warning form



Hi again

i also encountered that your t-splines component also does not work in rhino 5x64

An exception occured during GHA assembly loading:  Path: C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5.0 WIP (64-bit)\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components\TSplines.gha  Exception System.IO.FileLoadException:   Message: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5.0 WIP (64-bit)\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components\TSplines.gha' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)  Exception System.NotSupportedException:

That might be the case, I'll double-check.  We've got an entirely new component that we're working on, we might have accidentally broken compatibility with the previous component.  Thanks for tracking down the WeaverBird conflict, that's great bug reporting.. :)

Thanks Tom

looking forward to the new T-spline components (and new addons :))


Hi Tom F.,

I'm not sure about what is causing this, but if you by any chance register to the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve event, could you check that the handling method is returning an Assembly reference set to null and it is doing nothing if the (ResolveEventArgs args).Name does not start with the name of the observed assemblies? (or a similar rule)

- Giulio

I think we're doing this.. here's the code of our AssemblyResolve helper.  It might be a bit weird to read, because it's c++/cli:


Assembly^ ResolveHelper::TSResolveEventHandler( Object^ sender, ResolveEventArgs^ args ){        
std::wstring wsubstr = clr_to_wstring( args->Name );
if( args->Name->Contains(L",") )
wsubstr = clr_to_wstring( args->Name->Substring( 0, args->Name->IndexOf(L",") ) );

//debugManagedString( L"Trying to load assembly " );
//debugManagedString( wsubstr );
//debugManagedString( L"\n" );
//RhinoApp().Print( L"Trying to load assembly %s\n", wsubstr.c_str() );

if( wsubstr == L"TSConnect" )
System::String^ folderPath = Path::GetDirectoryName(Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->Location);
System::String^ assemblyPath = Path::Combine(folderPath, "TSConnect.dll");
Assembly^ a = Assembly::LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
return a;
else if( wsubstr == L"TSplines" )
std::wstring wstr = getTSplinesPlugInFileName();
System::String^ s = gcnew System::String(wstr.c_str());

Assembly^ a = Assembly::LoadFrom(s);
return a;
return nullptr;






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