
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all the experts in Kangaroo,

I newly learned to use Kangaroo to do form finding.

However, the tutorial is not clear and I met an error in my practice. 

The .3dm and .gh documents are attached. Can anyone help me to solve this error?

Much thanks,

Xue Zhengyu 

Views: 6793


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I'm pretty sure that David would ban both of us (you for no(?) reason, me for a variety of reasons, he he).

Moral: Karma

May the Force (the Pink option) be with you

best, The Merciless


Dear Godlike Karma,

I really like your humor!!

It does not make sense for David to ban me, but will be a big fault to ban you. No worry!



BTW: Some simple T joints (but for a double tetra tensegrity) are posted here (don't ask how the T trusses are(?) involved(?)).

BTW: Get this (minus the cables: life sucks). If you want the cables ... mail me an original hymn to Ducati (MUST be lyric and passionate AND Honda insulting). Classic Ducatis (the proper ones, I warn you; like a 888 SPS) must been explicitly nominated on that epic thingy.

BTW: The (a bit primitive) method used to create something (a module of a XTruss, that is) on the WordXY Plane and then transform it to the related planes ... well it's not a T on surface by the book (but I guess that nobody could notice it).

Additionally this XTruss can be rigid with regard the central node... a thing that greatly facilitates the whole case (and dramatically reduce the cost AND the FEA time on the members).

Moral: Ducati Uber Alles.


Geachte Lord of Olympus,

Beste Wensen & Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!After the long long Christmas , everybody get back to work. I wish you had a wonderful holiday.

So far most of my ideas are stated in the proposal I sent you by email. Your replies are of great help. I have applied your "Rectangle" file in my GH model. At this moment, I've made a lot effort to build the model parametrically, what I need now is to apply different ways for form-finding to get some possible shapes. 

Here I will consult another question: how to make vectors along the lines ?  As is shown in the pic below, I want to apply external radiant pattern force pointing from all the top points to the lower center point. I tried to use the command "vector 2Pt" but found the resulting vectors starting from the base point (0,0,0) .


Mr. Hang Me with Pretensioned cables


Dear King of NeverIsTooLateButMaybeItIs

This is included in some C# that I've provided to you (but I've lost count of them, blame Alzheimer).


For a given grid Point3d p and an apex Point3d:

Vector3d vDir = apex - p; Line line = new Line (p, p + vDir);

Point3d pAtLine = line.PointAt(somethingBetween0and1);

Dear Lord of Darkness,

When I was making my GH model, I frequently met the problems to connect points with line segments and to consider various lists into one. I have solved them by using the components in GH. It seems simple to script them, but I always get some error. Can you help me with the following two questions?

  1. How to connect a list of points with line segments?                .____.____.____.____.                    (there are 5 points, draw the in between four lines with c#)
  2. How to merge 3 lists of points into one list in the right order?

     List 1     .         list 2      .   .    .    .         list 3      .   .                                   (7 points in total to be merged in one list with the given order)




Mr. Pepper Fried Meat

Dear King of NoMansLand

You mean this?

Point3d apex = YouTellMe; List<Point3d> rest = Ditto;

List<Point3d> ConnLines = new List<Point3d>();

foreach(Point3d p in rest){

  Line line = new Line(apex, p);



Q2 is ambiguous: what are exactly the rules? Get the first from List1 and then the first from List2 ... etc OR "join" the Lists with respect the "local" enumeration? If yes then:

List<Point3d> SumPts = new ... blah, blah

SumPts.AddRange(List1); // and 2 and 3 until the end of Time

But you should use DataTrees instead of Lists1,2,3,N. For instance and for a tree with one dimension:

foreach(GH_Path path in SomeTree.Paths()){

 List<Point3d> tmp = SomeTree.Branch(path).ToList();




Dear Friend,

I have a riddle for you: what opens and closes at the same time?

It's been a long time since our last contact. During the past month, I made a plugin written in Vb , and with your help I finished my parametric model with a lot of components written by C#.

Now I am struggling with optimisation  (shape ,pretension, cross section, mass). I want to do it with programs fully embedded in Grasshopper environment, thus I turned to Karamba, Galapago and Octopus.

I have added a new discussion about applying pretension for cables in Karamba. If you have experience with this software, I hope you could have a look at the following link.

Best ,


Er... hmm ... alas: I have no idea about Karamba and Octopus.

I like your pic.. But the answer is the NL bridge.:)

Read the book (not the pic)






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