algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi guys, I have two problems and I am really appreciate if anybody would help me . I have a brick wall, working with two systems, first I applied a roof islamic pattern on the wall with image mapper and give the pattern's values in z direction for shifting the bricks, then I have a sun as an attractor for rotating all bricks. I could not give domain or a limit to them ''shifting and rotating'' which all bricks lay on each other and in the end the result be a tectonic wall. And is there any possible way to rotate all bricks with same angles when change the sun position, I did but the angles are gradually changed. I uploaded whatever I have.
Hmm (IS THIS an engineering sketch ??? he, he) this requires some minor adjustments.
I'll do it for fun but only if you promise publicly that you'll use the proper "pattern" for that #%#^% brick wall of yours (here's a "sketch": Me + 2162 painted (by hand) mini bricks > The Lord (of Darkness) goes immortal, that is).
It is not enggnering sketch I looked at this idea same as them. Thank you peter for your time, but why in all commonts you use he he! is it laughing, kidding, i don't think that the idea is fun. this is a test drive and this is the basic step to propose the idea.
Then you think I am such a disorient people, please do not judge people in this way and use this kind of expression! he he. by the way, thank you for upload it, but I open the file and I tried to run it by set the curve and connect the component which i think i should, after that, there was no brick there. Just i have three offset lines.
OK, this is V1 + some stuff from other definitions that serve to the whole scope. I haven't found the time to translate the 3 C# on the right into native components ... but anyway.
Added a "rhomboid" instead of the brick (see the choice available before the orient component).
1. The first C# does sun related stuff.
2. The second calculates shadows (READ the comments AND NEVER have this "on-line": is slow).
3. The third C# does a small rotation demo based on a point on a curve acting as attractor. Notice the variety of options available.Obviously your rotation requirement is based on sun data but that is very easy to implement.
DO NOT attempt to change anything: first check that the data are internalized, play with the options and we'll see what happens next.
Thank you Peter for your consideration! you took your time. I will try it ASAP.
Peter, all C# components are red, and they show error. Then the grasshopper could not read it for me.
Reading the GH def WITHOUT any Rhino file containing the 2 curves (they are internalized) - By 2 curves I mean the one that is used for the wall and the other that is used for placing the attractor for the rotation demo:
The curve deactivated (no RED C# because they check what's coming in and if not > they "exit").
BTW: Is the image sampler present AND contains any image ????
Thank you in advance,Peter, I will try it, the image sampler contains your image.
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