
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to get the average yearly temperature for a hour a day.

e.g. the average yearly temperature at 13:00 for 2015 is 10 °C, 
sadly i'm not getting the data sorted the way i want it. After 12 
hours the data seems to repeat itself. Could anyone help me 
figure out how to fix this.

Thanks in advance!

Included: gh file + the epw file i'm using


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Hi cyyo,

You could try this method.

If you see the structure of your EPW file, this method should be correct.



And you could try this method for all hours.

or you can use this component



Hello Antonello

Thank you very much for your solution! I recreated your definition and it worked perfectly, though if you dont mind i have another question. I would really like to have a list that gives me the average temperature for every hour in every month of the year so e.g.


avg for the whole of januari
1:00,  avg temp (the avareages of all temperatures at 1:00 in januari)
2:00 , avg temp
3:00 , avg temp
24:00, avg temp
avg for the whole of februari
1:00,  avg temp
2:00 , avg temp (the avareages of all temperatures at 2:00 in februari)
3:00 , avg temp
24:00, avg temp

and this for every month of the year

I have been trying to get the lists sorted like this since after you gave me your suggestions but i can't get if figured out. Any ideas on this would be greatly apriciated! :)


Hi cyyo,

There are different ways to make your list.



Hi Antonello,

Thank you very much! This is exactly what i needed, now that the data is formatted the way in need it (both radiation and temp), i can start optimizing shapes with it.

(If you are interested what im going to do with this data: I want to directly relate radiation and the needed amount of generated engery through windows. So that i can find the perfect location of windows throughout the day, on a shape that has very high freedom of form. I want to see if the form freedom of 3d printing with concrete has potential to more efficiently use solar radiation in a passive way.)



Thanks for posting such a comprehensive demonstration of the Ladybug components.  I'll just add one more thing that might be useful for visualizing the data, which is that you can plot the avgMonthlyPerHour data on the "Monthly Bar Chart if you so desire:



Hi Chris,

Thank you for your example. I think LB+HB is a great tool for architects, engineers, researchers... it has gotten a lot of useful new functions over the last year.







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