algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hello all,
I am trying to recreate a form that I have seen in a video( I attach here the link),but there is something wrong with my definition.(probabaly something wrong with the springs component for kangaroo)
my goal is mainly to get to the image that I am attaching looks like a voronoi pattern,but since the base components are triangles,it makes it a lot easier for,any ideas for further steps towards the actual fabrication process will be really appreciated.(the components will be made with foam,plastic,glassfiber resin composites,PE or ecc.)
thank you
here is the link:
oh I was just able to open the pdf file,is it something that can be bought or should I 3d print it?...
Er ... this is JUST a demo (NOT for 3d printing - what for?) related with some "DIY" simple (and a bit ugly) join in case that you want a hybrid solution (beams - not triangular frames - "filled" with the kitsch thingy [Styrofoam]).
Of course I could provide you far more elegant/sophisticated joints - in terms of real STEP 214 3d data [not 3dPDF] (ball pivot and the likes) but these are OK for Dubai (they cost a "few" dollars, he he). BTW: STEP ... because - obviously - these are not designed with Rhino.
But anyway this approach is rejected since you stay in the one-material-for-the-job option (BUT the end result would be a visual atrocity, he he).
So ... forget joins > one material (Styrofoam) means female "mortises" and some connecting "stripe" insert (plywood or aluminum depending on the size/thickness of these panels).
The best solution by a million miles is to make that "canopy" using solely plywood (and/or some balsa for the "round" lips option - you can't "shape" the plywood) but ... anyway ... you are the boss.
And here's an "option" (suitable for millionaires) that does the panels in 2 pieces using a hideously expensive large scale 3d printing thingy (up to 4000*4000*1000mm). As you may know we have already achieved materials (resins, that is) that yield structurally capable objects (up to a point). Boeing and General Dynamics already do that in the next generation drones using carbon fiber (stealth). And since Boeing signed that recent agreement with VW ... expect some similar stuff in your future Golf (called "rabbit" in States?). Lamborghini does this already in a very large scale (VW owns Lambo).
Ribs shown are not really required (in most of cases anyway). Option for billionaires means mold injection of that (how stupid this may be?).
Just for the record
so,I decided to take a break and now I'm back,but with a little bit of problem,since the design looked like a spider I decided to change it a little.
I attach here the grasshopper and rhino file.
as you can see I devided it into 3 parts.
part1: when I try to connect the new shape to the rest of your definition,the plan z,which gives the panels individually when baked(so I can work them individually)doesn't work,apparently there is something missing when I want to explode it.
that is why I connected it to the definition that I already had(part2)( the only cool part about that one is the attractor point)well it kind works,but not really(if you zoom in you can see that there are some parts overlapped and really not looking good).however I much rather your definition because of the option it gives me to work with individual panels when baked(planz).
however it's around 4 am. and I have decided to make some major changes in design (to prepare some closed and open space,I'm talking about part3 that works with the fibonacci like shape,I know it doesnt look really good,but seriously 4am.!).the major problem is that I tried to make a form like that with kangaroo so the shape would be smoother but I wasnt really able to make it with kangaroo,that's why I made it manually in rhino.I was wondering if you can help me make something like this ( not exacly like this) with kangaroo or (if impossible to be made with kangaroo)even helping me optimizing it so it doesnt look as bad,as you can see when I try to work the grasshopper definition on this shape,it gives me different panel sizes for each surface and all of them are to small compared with the overall size of the so-called pavillion(give it 200-500 sq feet (20-50 sq.m).and any suggestions about the shape would be appreciated,please forgive my basic knowledge of rhino and grasshopper,and let's say I wanted to make a shape like these(don't laugh please!)
please help me find the right way!
here are the attachments for gh and rhino files
yeah u r right they r pretty ugly,actually when I woke up and looked at it I figured that out,specially the sea shell,when I showed it to the prof he kinda freaked out,I guess I should work with something more like the spider that we had(lol) and with combination of something in the (mushroom) theme(I really like it when the columns?!(i dob't know what to call them)look like mushrooms):D
(and still laughing at the photo u sent).lol
Well ... Dr. Zachary recommends the following approach: (a) create some surface (b) interactively start collecting "nodes" and on the fly create a mesh (varying the mesh vertices is another option) that could be the donor mesh for the perforated panels - kinda like "sculpting" something in Modo (c) keep a history of your attempts (variants) in case that some is worst than the other (most probably).
I hear you: but this use solely code and I'm just a beginner > it's way out of my comfort zone.
Well ... don't blame me > blame the Doctor (and that I-Robot).
so,I added here the approach that I'm taking for my project,
I read your last comment(but I couldn't reply)I was wondering if you still suggest to choose the nodes manually(at least that's what I understood"forgive my english") in order to make the triangles bigger since they are too small now!
and again thanks for your help,this wouldn't be possible without your help
The reason that you can't reply is that the nesting depth in answers is limited (go to a higher order node etc etc).
Back to business:
Dr. Zachary Smith says: well ... this is artistic stuff (even if it was a real-life large scale "canopy" ... the primary underlying "rules" are due to aesthetics) thus creating a "seed" grid of points (say a flat one or points from a divided surface) and then MANUALLY picking/modifying some and doing the mesh (like in the example shown) is the only efficient way to do it. Using attractors et all is half the bacon (in fact is 0.1% of the bacon).
But although easily doable with code is far and away from what you could manage at present time - at least without a "live" Skype demo (~30 minutes).
But if you choose NOT to take the plunge on that "approach" ... bookmark it for some future project of yours: it could turn upside down your mind.
Lord of Darkness says: well ... everybody knows that Dr. Zachary has a troubled mind ...
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