
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm in my 2nd architecture year, and I'm about to make the project in GH (demanded by the program). Having an automatized way of thinking in rhino, thus I find it hard at moments to create certain elements in grasshopper.

So, I found myself rather blocked, not being able to do certain operations which I need:

1. I can't close the tubes, leaving the center circle open, when I try to input the cap holes, it takes all the tree and it closes, and I am still confused about how to edit trees and items. It would be rectangular shaped holes, rather small (it is intended for bicycle wheels, thus rather thin and long). I wish to be able to change the amount of these holes, since I am not certain yet.

2.In the same time, I have no idea how I would create a slope joining the 2 vertical boards ( floors).

 Here is a small drawing explaining what I am looking to draw

In the same time, is there a way to create a slope, joining the same floors, but build on a different principle.

A slope revolving around the long vertical tubes ( trees). As in the image below

Thank you beforehand for your help, if halfway, you see the there is a faster way, or that would be more of a grasshopper way, of creating or changing an object, please do tell me, it would help me understand GH better. 

I wouldn't have asked, if I wasn't this tight in terms of time, and if I had the slighest idea on how to do it. So pls help, and thank you. 

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Working under a deadline is often a problem, but it's your problem, not ours.  It helps to read other threads; did you look at this one for how to make pipes?

How to build a pipe (not only a surface - a volume) in GH?!

There is so much code in your GH file that it's very hard to follow and figure out what you want to do, especially with the 'Display Preview Settings' you have chosen,  Much easier for me to see if the "Selected" color is higher contrast, like green/blue instead of light gray.

I finally found the group making the big pipes in the middle...  Here is one way to cap those pipe ends:

You need to take it one thing at a time... and don't expect anyone to do your homework for you!  I've struggled a LONG TIME to get a little comfortable with GH and what I don't know far exceeds what I do.  But every step of the way, I was able to do SOMETHING, to make progress in small steps, one little victory at a time.  I'm not sure that replicating a Rhino model is the best way to use or learn GH.


Thank you for you answer,

It's not  a duplicate, it concerns different actions, plus on this one I am looking for multiple actions. Thus it seemed more logical to create another thread.

I am not expecting someone to do my homework, every direction, or example that would help me do it are welcome as well. This is for a project, and the grasshopper modeling is only a small part  of it, but atm I am having trouble with this step, in consequence stagnating the resting steps.

The reason I did not look for other threads, is that I do not know what to input in order to find the information I need. For instance, I didn't even think of looking for how to build a pipe for the cap holes problem, for which I thank you.

Would you happen to have examples of how to modelize / reflect about shape and structure in grasshopper. I replicated the rhino model, because I know how to do it in rhino, thus using information from rhino was my only option to be able to do something. But I agree that it resulted with a huge list of compounds...

You did to break things down and SIMPLIFY so your questions can be more specific and clear.

I have no idea what you mean by "how to modelize / reflect about shape and structure in grasshopper"?  Way too vague.

GH isn't necessarily intended to replace Rhino.  It works well for things that you find yourself drawing over and over in Rhino with only minor variations in shape, position, dimensions or number.  These variations become the parameters in the model.

GH also works well for things that would be difficult or impossible to do manually in Rhino, but I don't see anything like that in your model.

P.S.  One more thing - read other threads and learn from them.  As a beginner, no one knows how to even ask all the right questions but there is much to be learned by reading other threads that might be relevant or of interest to you someday.

For example, would you happen to have an example that would help me build a slope ( for descending 3m). But the difficulty, is that its shape (or curvature parameter) it depends on the a number of circles or tubes? I did a quick sketch above, just to show what I am looking for. 

Just to be clear, I am not necessarily waiting for you or anybody to make it for me, on the contrary, I want to do it myself, since this is the only way I can understand the process.

Or would you happen to know a source, where I would find explanation on how to manage informations from a tree, how to extract a certain element a work on it?

Or is there a compound that help with the structure of the construction, for example that optimises the number of verticals beams depending on the area of influence or something like this?

That's three separate questions?

  1) The ramp(s) in your Rhino model (as opposed to your sketch) look like this:

That is nothing more than a tilted box.  It could be done starting with a line between two points, move/copy the line to get width, create a surface between the two lines (loft or edge surface), then extrude the surface.  SIMPLE!

  2) "manage informations from a tree" - There are many, MANY tutorials and threads on this very important subject.  Try Google.  Connect panels to all your components to see the nature of the lists they produce.  The number of sources on this subject is beyond counting.  It helps to focus on specific examples or problems, which is why it's so valuable to read as many threads on this forum as you can.

  3) "a compound that help with the structure of the construction" - I assume you mean a component?  Again, this question is far too general and vague.

-regarding the slope, I mean to build it on the other side than these I did in rhino, the difficulty consists in its shape, the line is supposed to be curved, not straight, and it curvature depending on those tubes i have on the side. But thank you anyways, I couldn't come up to  a way of building a straight ramp either.

-as for the information from a tree, I am watching the videos from this source  

hopefully it will clarify things for me.

-as for the structure, how could disperse the vertical beams or columns (I am not certain of the name of the element in english), depending on the surface ( or depending the ensemble of the construction). 

as reference, maybe it might help to see the direction I am willing to take , the image below:

Basically, in this case, if I recall it tight, the placement of these vertical elements assures the resistance from vertical and horizontal forces. So the use of 2 beams, in this case assures the bracing as well. I am not talking about copying the same thing, but how could I parametrize something like this? I tried to look into karambe or kangoroo, but not sure which one would give me the solution. Because as far as I understood, karamba is more about reshaping an object according to the structure, and I am looking for the inverse. But then again, I might've understood it wrong.

Don't miss this:

Grasshopper Masterclass With David Rutten

Regarding your curved ramp, I see no obvious relationship between the curves and the tubes?  Unless you mean the small diameter columns, not the large tubes in the middle?  But in any case, making a curve relative to a set of points isn't that hard - there are many ways.  It's more than just the points that control the shape of your ramp, though.  The ramp touches the edge of your floor in certain ways, it has a width and slope, etc.  How would you draw it in Rhino?

Regarding "the placement of these vertical elements" - Are you expecting some kind of magic from software?  To read your mind, understand the materials and loads you have in mind, etc.  Good luck with that!

Well, thank you for all tutorials or whatever you have on your mind that would help me build the shapes. 






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