
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

I'm trying to learn more and more about the great capabilities of HB an LB. Unfortunately sometimes I remain stuck because of some issues.

Right now I'm having a problem with the Annual daylight simulation component. While for the other simulations I easily change working directory according to the computer path, I cannot do that with this component.

Could someone help me?

Thank you in advance!


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Hi Niya, You should be able to install Daysim 4 with no problem on your machine. Are you sure that you download the right version? (

I'm having the same issue and I've uninstalled/reinstalled everything. no idea what the issue is...I'm using the example annual file provided with Honeybee.

For some reason we missed your issue here! sorry. I hope the issue is already solved.

Hello all!

I am having the same issue of the component reporting "Can't find the results for the study" even though the .ill files are actually appearing in the working directory. After digging quite deep into why this is happening, I have found out that the Honeybee function isTheStudyOver fails to report that the study is actually still running, meaning, that it returns "yes, it's over" even though all the cmd windows are still open. And that happens because the proc.stdout simply does not contain any records.

An interesting point is that the same GH file runs fine on all computers in our studio except the one which has Windows 10 installed. Other than that I cannot find any differences between the different computers and why it would not run on one of them.

Does anybody know if win10 is actually the problem here or if I am missing some other reason for this problem?

Thank you!

Can you upload the case. I'm running W10 without any trouble so far.


Hi Rusne. To add to Abraham's comment are you using the version on Food4Rhino or the latest version from github? One of the other users had a similar issue which was solved by updating the components.

Hi Abraham and Mostapha,

the problem does not depend on the case - even the simplest test does not work and even the most complex setup works on other computers. And yes, I have the latest version, updated it this morning, changed components on the canvas and still the same issue.
I've modified the code in isTheStudyOver like this to get more information printed:

and after running a test I get these things printed out:

(the cmd windows all open and running in the meantime).

As you can see the stdout does not get any line printed and the function returns after 0.3s without registering any activity...

Thank you for the detailed explanation. It will be really hard to debug as I can't re-create it on my machine. I will try to update the method to use Popen and see if that solves the issue. If you want to give it a try yourself check runMultipleBatchFiles component as an example.

Hi Mostapha!

I'm finding the same problem with Annual Daylight Simulation, I get stuck once the component run annual daylight simulation is run...

"can't find the results for the study"

I attach the file, it is one of the example files of honeybee, with some of the components updated to the last version... 

Thanks a lot in advance!!


Hi Eli, It works fine on my machine. Which version of Windows are you using?

Dear Mostapha,

I'm working in windows 10, however, in one friend's machine (w10 too) works fine (after changing the directory at the very beggining in run honeybee)...

could it be just a problem of directories :S:S?

thank you!! :)

Good night, Mostapha!

I've created a new filepath and manually referenced the files to it (the ones that should be created in the analysis) and it worked. So the problem is that the component runtheanalysis doesn't recognize the filepath automatically and I don't know how could I solve this...

Any idea?

Thank you and nice weekend!






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