
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Friends:

I'm doing a simple Parametric Tube Table, which requires filleted corners where the Table Rails meet the Table Legs. I don't know why I lose all my table legs except one when I connect the Fillet slider to the Polygon Rf input?

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The table top was malformed... fixed it:


Just for fun(?), this is a reorganization of the very same code and algorithms presented previously (2015Oct21d).  I believe this is a better parametric model for three reasons:

  • 'Height' is the actual height of the table surface off the ground
  • the table legs touch the ground
  • "rail ratio" is a slider instead of a constant

I discovered, though, that the problem we had before reappeared.  After messing around, it's pretty clear to me that the 'Pipe' feature is the culprit; it is just not as precise as one would hope.  Instead of changing the expression from "x-0.001" to "x-0.01" (which fixes it), I found that changing the 'Radius' value slightly also "fixes it" (actually works around it), and I've left it at that.

'Radius' of 0.20 fails while 0.201 works, which is pretty silly - bad 'Pipe'!


Hi Joseph:

We must be sharing some ESP WiFi channel, thanks for addressing the smaller points,
which I had also saw as shortcomings, and had not been able to solve yet.

I also see a revealed foot cap on the legs in your rendering.....nice design touch! :)
In fact from a manufacturing and assembly process, its conceivable the XYZ corner
becomes a unique piece, with a reveal, so the legs and rails simple join onto it.

I noticed that "revealed foot cap" too, but it was unintentional.  I assumed it was due to mis-alignment between the legs and the ground plane, which I had raised an arbitrary one foot; it looked close but maybe off a little bit?  But it's still there using the latest version (2015Oct22a), 'Radius' at 0.201, rendered with Neon - I haven't got a clue. :(

Even worse, the shiny "silver" material is looking semi-transparent against the background in both Neon and standard Rhino render!!??  Ugh.  Annoying mysteries like this can drive me crazy.

I could not stop thinking about the reveal, it literally kept me up at night :)

Question: Is there a GH component that can mimic an Edge Loop which can be attached to a Brep, Extruded Curve or Mesh? Many 3d programs have such a feature to help deform and shape existing geometry. Or is there a GH addon which has this feature?

Like Mesh>>GetNaked Edges or Deconstruct BRep?






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