algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Im new and I am stuck. I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now and I believe i have multiple problems. I am hoping that one of you gh experts can help point me in the right direction.
I am trying to create a control for two rail sweeps where i can swap out the curves for the sweeps. I believe the issue I have is when trying to split the curves (but i am not positive this is the only issue).
I tried to document how things are built with the group command to leave some sort of breadcrumbs for debugging. But I am not a programmer, I only know rhino so I use the same commands I would to build in rhino. I know this is a big bundle of wires but i am hoping someone has the time/energy to help me.
it would help if you internalise the data you have referenced from your rhino doc or attach the rhino doc.
(right click on the component and select internalise data on any component that references something in rhino)
My apologies. Attached.
OK, can I just clarify what you are trying to achieve...
It looks like you want to create a sweep along a rail curve starting from the 6 o'clock point around to a point set by an angle. And it also looks like you want one section curve at one end and a different section curve at the other and the sweep should blend between the 2 section curves?
There are 2 sweeps... one follows a rail curve that is the egg shaped curve and the other sweep has a rail that is made up of some of the egg shaped curve plus 2 curves that make up a corner.
If you set the preview mode to preview selected only you can look at the inputs to the sweeps. To me, the inputs don't look like something that would make a good rail curve for the sweep but I'm not exactly sure what you are aiming for.
You have quite a complicated definition to create the sweep rail... maybe if you explain better what it is you are aiming for then we can break it down into manageable chunks.
Thank you so much for your reply. I will try to clarify what I am hoping to achieve.
I am trying to create a super control to swap curves within sweeps.
I want to swap the bottom section (6 oclock to 9 oclock) with two options:
I want to swap the top section (9 oclock to X (X=angle controlled by slider) with multiple options controlled by a pick and choose. I would like to be able to scale this in Z from 9 oclock/3oclock as the origin of the scale.
To accomplish the curve swap I am trying to split the curves with a point at 9 oclock and join them prior to the sweep.
I am attaching a sketch that I hope clarifies my intent. Thanks again.
This is quite tricky!
I had a play with the sweep component and it can do some strange things sometimes.
Is your intention to create several sweeps that will eventually be joined?
I started from scratch because I think it's important to make sure rail curves are consistent in direction and construction to help the sweep work.
I created the softened square shape from scratch so rather than swapping curves you can adjust the form of the inner/outer and top and bottom. Most of the definition was just trying to do this so maybe it is easier to just use Rhino curves.
The softened square curve would be 8 sections if it went all the way around in a ring so I made the inner, circular rail curve 8 arcs.
I went in an anti clockwise direction for both just because angles go in an anti clockwise direction.
I tried splitting the rail curves but the shatter component doesn't seem to work on the outer, softened square curve unless the curve was rebuilt first. Rebuilding it loses the sharp corner unless you increase the number of control points. In your definition some of your shatter components don't work because the curves need rebuilding so they are one curve and not constructed of bits of curves (I think) so you could try rebuilding the curves and checking that the output is 2 curves.
The sweep works but after 180 degrees it does somethign odd because of the intersection points changing order so the Item component selects the wrong point (I think)
I prefer the effect you get from sweeping the rectangles or polygons.
Anyway, this probably doesn't solve all your problems but hopefully it gives you some clues!
Wow Martyn, thank you so much. It is quite overwhelming and uses commands that I am not familiar with. I am learning a lot from digesting your process. I can't thank you enough for helping me out! I very much appreciate it!
that's OK, it taught me lots about the sweep components and about soft square edges which was really useful.
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