algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi guys!
So I have an intersecting mobius strip and I am trying to unroll this into a straight rectangular surface that has the same u and v domain, which I will use to punch holes through and remap it on the mobius strip.
What step should I take to make the surface into a regular grid so that it can unroll into a rectangle than a curved surface.
I was trying to deconstruct the domain of the surface and create a new surface with a controlled domain, but I have no idea what to do next.
You are forgetting it is a moebius ring!
The surface should and must be one!
Try this: move the original line that is repeatedly rotated slightly Z+ (half of wanted thickness), AND double the number of half twist counts and total revolutions.
Here's new version + thickess.
If thickness more than 0 half-twist count and revoultion couts are doubled.
Removed start-end sub sampling, better work with a uniform surface, it was messing up the topology.
In this new gif i'm only increasing the thickness:
As we can see, circles are "flowing" because the parameter on the surface respect world-space distances lengths. (i thought this behavior would happen only with reparametrized geometries surf/crv , instead we already found it here)
(With non-interpolated surface this doesn't happen, try it! We could work with a greater amount of sections but completely avoiding the problem.)
This is a problem, because we want circles to keep their place to fit each-other.
We could need to remap parameters in a way it keep original positions.
Like linear subdividing the long central isocurve (by parameters), and study its deviation.
Maybe I'm not clear. XP
What i'm saying?
Most definitely not forgetting! :)
I got it with holes by re-arranging things a little bit, doing the two offsets before the 'SrfMorph' and 'SrfSplit' - modified your code, attached:
P.S. I don't understand what you are suggesting? Or why the shape in your latest post gets so distorted? Thickness in my approach simply represents a material property - steel vs. paper.
You're giving life to it!
Few concise components, great!
Should we found a purpose of this rings now? asd
I'll 3dprint one...
The moebius is probably the simplest example of surfaces that twist back upon themselves. There are also many math related Iso-surfaces that share that same situation, meaning that any offset or loft will always cause a step there the opposite side rejoins. It also means 3d printing of Iso-surfaces surfaces can cause problems.
I'm wondering if the solution offered here can be typified (ie made into its own unique component) that would work on any Iso-surfaces that need lofting where curves join back upon themselves?
I decided to explore a more encapsulated approach to thickening a surface with holes, as suggested by Kim... but before I get to that, I couldn't help noticing how easy it is to produce the chain Kim alluded to:
By the way, Riccardo, as you surely know, for this app, it really only makes sense to use odd integer values on the slider for "half-twists total counts"... When I used "2" with the chain, it froze GH/Rhino twice - perhaps because I didn't disable the offset surface code, I'm not sure - not enough time to explore that further.
So here is what I came up with for offsetting a holed surface - much less code!
Instead of offsetting the surface and using the two offsets as input for 'SrfMorph' to map the holes curves:
The result is interesting... a "Open Brep" and two "Untrimmed Surface", which are the hidden, internal ends of the shape. Not quite what I wanted. Then I discovered that using 'DeBrep' to get the 'Faces (F)' and 'Brep Join' once more, I get a "Closed Brep" (a solid)!!?? Not sure why but glad it works. I ignore the two end surfaces using 'List Item'.
I suspect that the holes may be slightly different than the way I did it yesterday, but they look good to me. I have no idea how effective this will be with arbitrary, complex surfaces but I encapsulated this code into a 'Thicken' cluster, also enclosed in the attached code:
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