
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to replicate the "ctrl+shift+left arrow" behaviour inside a scripting component (c#): would like to get all the components that "flow" into it. 

First step, all cool: 

foreach (IGH_Param input in Component.Params.Input)
foreach (IGH_Param source in input.Sources)

Now, how do I get a component from the canvas by its guid, and check his dependents out? 

Noob alert. It's been ages since I touched the sdk, and am completely lost... 

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Ok, I'm going to have a dialogue with myself for a bit. I'm slowly getting there: 

GH_Document g = new GH_Document();

A = g.FindAllDownstreamObjects(Component);

Works fine for all the downstream (ie to the right) components. Unfortunately there's no... "FindAllUpstreamObjects(this)" :( 

Assuming you have a component called comp and you want to find all top level objects that are immediate sources, here's what you can do (top of my head code):

HashSet<Guid> ids = new HashSet<Guid>();

foreach (IGH_Param param in comp.Params.Inputs)

  foreach (IGH_Param source in param.Sources)


    Guid id = source.Attributes.GetTopLevel.DocObject.InstanceGuid;



List<IGH_DocumentObject> objects = new List<IGH_DocumentObject>();

foreach (Guid id in ids)


  IGH_DocumentObject obj = doc.FindObject(id, true);

  if (obj != null)



You need to always use GetTopLevel() because a parameter source may be an output parameter of a component, and that is a subobject. If you want the component itself you'll need to use Attributes.GetTopLevel.DocObject

The reason to use a HashSet is because a specific object may be a source for the current object more than once. The HashSet prevents double entries.

All smooth. Works! Minor typos needed a fix. 

Now i'm in another fix though. How do I get the input sources of the IGH_DocumentObject? Hopefully once I get my head around the GH principles I'll stop asking annoying questions!

Before I get bashed, I am reading and searching through the Grasshopper SDK :) 

Answering my own question: 

Simple, just cast to IGH_Component instead of IGH_DocumentObject. 

I am though wondering what the difference is between IGH_Component and IGH_DocumentObject. I'm sure I'm missing some rather important logic here! Asking in the hope of putting less annoying questions in the future, obviously. 

IGH_DocumentObject is anything that exists on the canvas. Components, sliders, scribbles, groups, jumps, panels, everything except the widgets like Compass and Profiler. IGH_ActiveObject are those objects on the canvas that participate in solutions. This includes all components and parameter, but does not include groups, scribbles, sketches, etc. IGH_Param is for parameters, be they freefloating or attached to components, IGH_Component is for components. What IGH_Component adds to IGH_ActiveObject is little more than a unified way to access the input and output parameters. The abstract GH_Component class (which implements IGH_Component) does a lot of stuff, but usually you're better off casting to IGH_Component than GH_Component.

Thanks for the explanation - it clarifies a lot! 

I did stumble ina problem last eve, IGH_Component could not be cast to a number slider - when I was reaching that point I figured I started looking again, and probably end up using IGH_ActiveObject. 

All cool, progress is being made (painfully slow).  

Correct, a number slider is a GH_Param<GH_Number> or IGH_Param. Most of those special objects are IGH_Params with the notable exception of Gradients and Legends. Parameters are much easier to modify and tweak, but they can only have a single input and a single output, which is some rare cases is insufficient.

Just incase someone is ever looking for something like this I wrote a recursive function which will find all the upstream components (and params) that are connected to a particular component.

It was written for the ghPython components, but the code could be converted to C#


Hey dimitrie, how are you?

Do you mean this?

    var document = this.GrasshopperDocument;
    A = document.FindAllDownstreamObjects(this.Component);

Mmm, kind-of, though what I'm trying to do now is akin to document.FindAllUpstreamObject(etc)!

Will share some final code once I've glued my hack to something usable. 






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