
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys 

I was wondering if someone could show me how I could make this pattern in grasshopper? Im currently trying to create in in rhino using Torus's, thought it would be easier to do in grasshopper. 

Its pretty much the circle pattern (2nd image) that is scaled (3rd image) and then broken in certain places (1st image)

If anyone could help that would be great!!

Thank You! :)

Views: 3487


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Hi Ketsa, this pattern is called truchet. Try a search for that, I bet there are plenty examples on the forum allready. Hope this helps.

Hi Pieter, 

Im trying to search some but not really finding much or any scripts. 


there are scripts but in 3d not in 2d. Here is one, the logic is always the same forTruchet tiles.

1) generate a geometry whic can be connected when it is rotated with angle = pi/2, pi 3/2Pi

2) Rotate n time the geometry

3) move n times the geometry

Here in the script you have a shape which as 2 distinct angular positions. So I rotate it with 0 radians or pi/2 radians. If you want a number of both geometry to be equal put the last slider to 0.5.


Hi Laurent, 

Thank you so much for that, I am actually looking at doing it in 3D. Sorry for not mentioning that. I just haven't figured out how to do it just using rhino hence the 2D drawing as a reference. 

Really? Oh excuse me, here is my two cents


Thank you so much :)

I forgot to put expression x-1 in the Square Grid Ex and Ey parameters:

Hi Pieter: I'm also a donut fan, now we have an alternative :)

Hi Kim, actually it's not (meant to be used as) an option: without this expression there are more points than there are random values, which causes the repeating rotation value at the end of the list. It's quite noticable in the image on the right.


I saved the parms, in left pic. , and got the result right pic, when I changed x-1, hence I had assumed the donuts, had been deleted ...oops!

You can see the repeating rotation in my initial image too - on the right (the last 23 pieces). x-1 is neccesary here.


and at least I thought Pieter comes up with something like this, when he gets asked for 3 D :-)))

Feels good to post something :-)))

Best Regards DeDackel






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