
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I am going to post here some definitions that i made to makwe my workflow smoother.

Maybe other would find them useful as well..


(If some of these are redundant, please let me know..)

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map numbers btw. 0 and 1

It gets a list of numbers and maps them to a 0..1 domain (meaning the smalles number of the initioal list will become 0, the highest number will become 1, and all the others will be "scaled" accordingly).
This is useful when using Graph Mappers since the domain of this component isn't parametric yet, and the default value is from 0 to 1.
turns out there is a remap component which i didn't know about, so things can be made easier, as the guys at nzarchitecture did (rewriting my def)
list to tree

splits a list into a tree with a specified number of items per branch
thanks for sharing!!!

Hi. your list to tree def seems pretty interesting. i am new to grasshopper and i was trying to sort a list of points: but i am finding it difficult because i have no idea how to link the points to a bunch of names for them like A, A' etc...

how do you suggest i do that. i have also posted at

and oh crap im using version .5 so i cant use your definition :S


so what i have done so far is select all the points manually for each curve and 'interpolate curve' ed them individually. i can then pipe all the curves. my next challenge is to fillet them. 





returns the separatrix - the line that differentiates lit and dark faces of a polyhedra (works only for solids with planar faces for now)

it is useful because the separatrix can be used with a Project onto brep component in order to find out the cast shadow of an onject onto something more complex than a plane (which is what Mesh Shadow currently offers)

(it also colours the dark faces, to get a better idea where how the solid is lit)

hope somebody else finds it useful as well and feel free to develop it further...

since i don't find any upload mode any more, here it is uploaded in the "Parametric Model" Grasshopper library:
for some reason it doesn't let me modify my previous comment or reply to it, but anyway, here is the working link for the separatrix definition :





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