
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

"too many values to unpack" error with Part 6 of the Honeybee video tutorials

Hi Mostapha and Chris and everyone,

I've run into a rather basic problem I fear while going through Chris' great youtube tutorials for Honeybee. When trying to run E+ through tutorial 6, even with the file directly downloaded from dropbox, I run into a "1. Solution exception:too many values to unpack" when I change the toggle from 'False' to 'True' for the Energy Simulation. 

To try to fix it, I've downloaded the most up to date Ladybug + Honeybee versions from github, and then dragged those into Grasshopper. I've also dragged the icons from the panel onto the sheet. I tried changing the timestep to 'monthly' (in the video, it's 'hourly') but I still get the same error. 

Thanks for any insight! 

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It runs fine on my side.
I wonder why you have 2 LB_LB and HB_HB components, each from different dates. I suggest to delete the old dated ones, select the new ones, send them to back (ctrl+b) and disable/enable them (ctrl+e). Then re-run the simulation.
If this doesn't work, close the file and open it again. I've found some times some inconsistencies and this may help.

Hi Nora!

Glad to see that you are on the Grasshopper forums and thanks for posting.

Both the GH file that you have uploaded and the original example file on my dropbox run well on my system.  It seems that we are looking at an issue that is specific to your system.

I think that there's a good chance that you did not install all of the OpenStudio libraries.  If you could post a screenshot of a panel connected to the output of the HB_HB component of the original example file, we will know for sure (check if it says the same thing as mine does in the image below).

If this is the error, the way to solve it is to download the openStudio libraries from here:

and copy the contents of the zip file into both C:\ladybug and C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug

Let me know if that fixes it.

Also, it is generally a not a good idea to mix versions of LB_LB and HB_HB components with other components that are not the same version.  I imagine that this could become a source of error and so I would suggest starting again from the original example file on the dropbox.



I'd appreciate it if you could relink this file you posted. I believe I'm having the same error. I tried downloading the zip folder, but it's unresponsive.


Hi Paul, You can download all the files from github. I will also attach the file but I'm not sure if it will work as there are .exe files inside the zip file:


Thanks Abraham and Chris for your responses - you're right that this is specific to my system. The point about not mixing older and newer versions of LB and HB components is duly noted.

I replaced the OpenStudio libraries with the link provided. Now, I can run E+ the very first time I open Rhino+Grasshopper and the file (the terminal appears and runs everything). However, the second time I try to run E+, it gives me the "1. Solution exception:too many values to unpack" error for the Energy Simulation component. Should I be clearing the results or something like that in order to re-run it?  I've attached a screenshot of the readme when it doesn't work.


I started clean from the original file and still had the issue, but restarted my laptop and used the original file and now all runs well. Thanks!

Chris's suggestion is the best: Not good to mix versions of LB+HB with the different components.
So the best is to start over from the example and apply your changes
Update the different components in your example. From your image i see that the E+Run component is from Sept 15, and i recall that the HB is from January 11.
You can also use the HB/LB updater components to do this dirty job for you (in case you have many components to update).

Thanks Abraham - I had started over cleanly from the original tutorial 6 file and it had still given me this issue. But I restarted my laptop and every program and now it all works. Thanks to you both for your help!

Glad to hear that everything worked out!  A restart of your computer may have been necessary for Rhino/GH to recognize that the new files were there.  At the very least, I know that a restart of the Rhino + GH program was necessary and I should have included that in the original instructions.

Stay Awesome!


Hi Chris/ Mostapha,

I am experiencing similar problems in 2017, is that download link attached to an updated file, or will following your instructions above end up creating more problems than it solves if the rest of my system is using the latest Hb/LB?



Hi Ben

Me too, but i'm trying clean honeybee and ladybug by file upload from Hydra and step to step fixed many erros not running file (ex: unpack, weather are not working, ...).


Now, run and run file.


Ben and Hoang,

Those dropbox files are too old and I'm thinking of taking them down soon.  Nearly all files on Hydra are up-to-date and I would recommend starting from here rather than the Dropbox files:







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