
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


We are pleased to announce the new version of RhinoNest for Grasshopper 0.4

News of 0.4:

- Multisheet: Nesting with multisheet support. 

- Nesting Report: New Control to create Report. 

- Douglas-Peucker: New Control to reduce polyline using Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

- Supports Grasshopper 0.8.0066, 32bit and 64bit native.


To download it, please visit, you can login it using your grasshopper user.


If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Thanks and best regards,


Rafael del Molino

TDM Solutions SL

Views: 10550

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rafael,

Is there a version of RhinoNest for the latest Grasshopper?  Also I can't seem to find where to download the Grasshopper plugin from your website, and it's not on Food4Rhino.

Hi Lucas, Please download from our use

Is this woftware available for free?

Hi Shamil,

RhinoNest for Grasshopper is free for RhinoNest users.


Rafael del Molino
TDM Solutions SLU

Hi Rafael,

We recently purchased a license for Rhinonest and it works great except for the face that is gives an error message in grasshopper. 
While nesting groups in Rhino works fine, trying to nest the same groups in grasshopper doesn't and gives this error message: 1. Invalid cast: GeometryGroup » GeometryBase
I need the objects to be grouped because it concerns curves within curves. Like a hole in a piece of plate. If i just give all the geometry to the nest component, it places the "hole-defining" curves outside of the curve which the hole is in.
I hope you can explain to me how to make the component accept groups or how to make curves within curves to be nested together.
I must be overlooking something because i know this has to work somehow

Hi Michiel,

Thanks for purchase RhinoNest.

RhinoNest for GH was developed when Grasshopper didn't support groups, for that reason, it show you that error. We have not plans to add this functionality. I recommend to select the external group, and apply the transformation to the subobjects.

We are working on RhinoNest 4.0, and I hope we can release it in days. As we offer RhinoNest for GH as a free plugin for RhinoNest users, we have plans to publish the source code in GitHub to allow everyone to add/remove/modify any functionality:

If you have any question, please let me know.

Thanks and best regards,

Rafael del Molino

TDM Solutions SLU

Hi Rafael,

Thank you for answering the question. I understand now. However I bought the license to integrate into grasshopper. Accessing all the groups isn't possible for my application. I really hope this will be added in future because I think it is vital for grasshopper users. I am afraid i am not techsavy enough to go into the source code but maybe someone else will have similar problems who is able to solve it.

best regards

ps: Will my Rhinonest be updated if a new version is released?

Hi Michiel,

I understand. I will ask to the developers, because RhinoNest 4.0 for GH has that functionality. But I will try to add groups, but I can not guarantee. In any part on the website is described that RhinoNest for Grasshopper supports groups, blocks, etc...

Will my Rhinonest be updated if a new version is released?

I'm not a sales people, please contact to my colleagues to


Rafael del Molino
TDM Solutions SLU






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