
algorithmic modeling for Rhino




dear friends.


trying to achieve toyo ito's serpentine pavillion effect w GH.


have gotten as far as spanning geodesic lines across a surface in seemingly random patterns.

can't figure out how to identify and isolate the closed areas (cells) defined btw these lines.


saw geometry gym offers a component for this except i don't have a license yet :(

can it be achieved without a plug-in?


respectfully yours,


Views: 4892


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i've already uploaded a screenshot of the error. i can get no visualization in rhino screen. nothing appears on rhino.
I think David is asking what the error message is in the quote/bubble on the red components. If you right click on the component, it will be reported under runtime errors.

I'll try and help if it's my components, but in your screen capture it looked like it was native Grasshopper that is showing the problem.
i'm so sorry. i realized that you'll need that info so that I took another screenshot yesterday but i posted the first one =) so that i insisted that i sent the problem definition. now i'm uploading the correct one. =) sorry again..
Ah, there you go then. "Insufficient vertices for a curve" means you are not supplying enough points for an interpolated curve. I'm guessing the data that flows into the [V] input of the [IntCrv] component consists of a lot of lists with one item each.

You'll either have to flatten or partially flatten (with a Path Mapper) this data so that the points that are supposed to get interpolated will get grouped into a single list.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Hi Ognek,
This is as far as I could go with the definition today...
I really have no clue how to get a good surface or mesh from the 3D cell.

Instead of "opening area" as fitness criteria for galapagos, it might be worth looking at the cell area so as to minimize the enormous openings ?
Thank you Jon for your quick replies. =)
but now i need to have a quick answer now or im gonna drive crazy :)
do you have or does anyone has any idea about it? do I need to have 3dm file to run this definition? I saw nothing to define, such as no curve or no surface etc.
I am waiting for any response to enlighten me =)
PS: I am uploading David Lister's original definition and my problem again.






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