I am new to Grasshopper and I would like to request some help in creating a series of planes equally offseted from an initial horizontal plane.Can it be done so you can control the number of offsets and the distance between the planes?
Sure, just use the Plane Offset component and any number of offset values.
If you want a mathematical offset, you can also generate the offset distances using a Range or Series component (perhaps combined with an Expression or Graph Mapper object).
Thanks a lot guys I just found a few minutes ago a video here on this website that had almost the same solution.I am trying to do this for a few hours now :)) And the solutions was such a easy one... :D What I am trying to do is the Foster's Erotic Gherkin.Hope will make it to the finish...
Thanks again
One more question.I would like to know how is it possible to unite the points on the surface with the "Curve on Surface command" so that each time u go up a row the point u unite with; is on one position to the left.
That's exactly what I needed.Thanks a lot man.I am not used yet to how the list and the matrixes function yet cause I saw they are one of the most important components in GH.