
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I'm trying to make a pixelated image with an image sampler..

what I want to do is to make a facade with 1*4.8 panels with the image I input, and to control numbers of colors of pixels in grayscale about from 3-5 

Is there anybody who can help with this problem?

I ve done like below...

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi kiyeon,

Why do you scale the curve?

I think you need to have a proper look into the image sampler. If you just want grayscale you can also put the image sampler to brightness so you get brightness values. Then you need to divide those values to turn them into groups so you get a group per color. You can indeed use the range component to generate a cmyk value which differs per group.

Also the boundary surface will make your definition slow, you can try meshing it instead.

Thanks Siemen. As I am a real beginner at this, could you explain more detaily about how to divide values and to turn them into groups? (Plus others too!)

I'll really appreciate it if you explain the whole sequence with the use of each icons. Thanks for your time!


According to Siemen's advice, you'll  need to do like this.


Nice Hyungsoo. That's way shorter than I would have done it!

Wow Thanks!






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