
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am having maybe a simple problem: I have a surface lofted from multiple curves with the same number of control points. The loft i get has nice straight isocurves (vertical ones, see picture 01). When I now rebuild the original curves with a different number of control points I get somehow "shifted" isocurves. It doesn't matter if I do this by using the rebuild component and then making nurbs out of it, or if I divide the curves and interpolate them. How can I get more control points on my curves, but still have straight vertical isocurves?

Thanks Christian

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If you can use lunchbox plug-in's RebuildSurface component, (of course there might be a minor change on your original surface)you can probably get straight vertical isocurves. 

thanks a lot! But this actually only partly solves my problem, as my idea was to modify the rebuilt curves in a next step (moving control points to get creases in parts of the surface). So I need a way to actually divide / rebuild my curves, move some control points and then loft the whole. I don't understand why the rebuilt curves give me this strange loft?!

I don't know if this is of any help at all but I  hope so.


Yeah, thats roughly what I was looking for (except for straight lofts in the other direction and only some single controlpoints modified...) but this part of the definition is not the problem (crease works like I want). The problem still consists, when lofting in the other direction I get these twisted lofts...see screenshot and def.

thanks a lot so far!!!


If that is not the case, how about this?


well, thank you so much, this seems perfect! nice one! This is exactly what I was looking for!

thanks again and greetings







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