
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

[bug fixed] PMV calculator warning: "1. The calculation has been terminated by the user!"

I got the following warning "1. The calculation has been terminated by the user!" when using the PMV comfort calculator.

Posts related to this issue don't seem to provide an explanation for the data i have.

Can anybody kindly advise?


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Indeed you get this. I just reinserted the component manually and it works fine. Be sure you are synced with the last version in the github.


Thanks, Abraham!

It seems that the PMV calculator cannot accept a whole year analysis period specified through the analysisPeriod component. (I understand that the PMV calculator does whole year calculation by default if no input is specified for its analysisPeriod_ node)

Might this be a bug (i mean a programming bug :) of the PMV calculator component?

a non-whole-year analysis period specified through analysisPeriod component works fine with PMV calculator:

But a whole year analysis period specified through analysisPeriod component doesn't work with PMV calculator:

Seems to be a big.

In the meantime if you have  a whole year just don't hook the AnalysisPeriod componet to the PMV calculator.


Noted with thanks, Abraham!

I'll changed the title of this post, and hope the LB+HB team will take note of it.


Thank you for finding the bug. Given all that you have found over the last week, I think this makes you the community's official bug-finder for the present :). I have been teaching a class for the last week but, once I get back in a few more days, I will fix all that you have found.


Thanks, Chris! What an honor to be an "official bug-finder"! (.... can't talk, tears in my eyes ...)


I just fixed the bug.  Find the working file attached.



Thank you very much, Chris! Will update my GH file.

Hey Chris,

I'm assuming this bugfix was carried over to the latest and greatest version of ladybug (VER 0.0.63) however I'm getting the same problem identified above ("the calculation has been terminated by the user") with the PMV comfort calculator...

Attached is my GH file, hopefully you can assess what is going on

thanks in advance



There seems to be a weird wind speed value that is causing the PMV function to fail.  I'll try to take a deeper look at it soon.


Thanks Chris...

Let me know whenever you get a chance...


It seems that you found some magical combination of PMV model inputs that caused the algorithm to diverge (it seems to be the result of high metabolic rate and high wind speed).  I added in an extra check and it works now:








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