
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm attempting to create a ceramic frit pattern using lines rather than circles. I'm new to grasshopper and am trying to get script written but am stuck. How can I get my lines (actually rectangles) to vary in both thickness and density? I'm attempting to use a graph mapper to play with density but it appears to be out of sequence for what I am trying to achieve. Seems simple enough but I'm really battling. I've attached an image of what I'm going for but it was done in python and I'm trying to convert it to Grasshopper. I've also attached my script up to this point. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 

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Good morning,

I looked at this source material first:

Then created two bits of GH code:

  1. a BiArc generator to create the smooth bezier curves the method depends on. (three samples are saved as internalized data: 'Crv 1', 'Crv 2' and 'Crv 3')
  2. divide the 'X' dimension evenly, find the 'Z' intersect points and draw horizontal lines.

I didn't try to add line thickness or use rectangles.


P.S.  I don't know why, but I set this code up in the world YZ plane instead of XY...  oops.  Use the 'Front' view to see it properly.  It's kinda cool to hook the BiArc 'B' output directly to the 'Crv' input to see the effect on the horizontal lines as you manipulate the knobs and sliders that shape the BiArc curve.

Clean up the preview by hiding the vertical lines, the 'Rotate' components (they show the YZ planes), sample curves, distracting points, etc.

Here's the same code again but oriented to world 'XY':


Turning the horizontal lines into rectangles was easy enough, and they can be stacked vertically or follow the curve, depending on where you connect one wire (blue arrow below):

To make the rectangles visible, turn them into surfaces, sorted by area and mapped to a color gradient:


Thanks for the diagramming on this. I haven't used gradients before so this was completely new to me but a great tool to know about. Thanks again!

Hello Eric,

Here are two different methods for two differents results.

Have fun with it!


This is great. Interesting to see how the two different methods are scripted. Thanks for this. Seeing this really helps me get a better understanding for scripting.

Hi Eric,

Interesting idea. From a technical standpoint, how are you proposing to transfer this pattern with actual frit?

Good questions. I have spoken with the glass manufacturer about a custom silk screen and all they need is the Adobe Illustrator file to convert it to the glass. On my end, I am simply baking it to Rhino, then exporting it out as an AI file.






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