
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sometimes further discussions at this forum about a particular response on a particular topic can get buried, because one can't remember or find the icon or topic, which often can lead to new thoughts, in a fast moving forum.

I want to respond to Daniel Kolling Andersen's simple solution to using WolframAlpha math code to make a Logorithmic Spiral in GH

The question I often ask, "where were the creative ways to teach Math when I learned Math ?" Why was no one capable to making math more interesting at an early age for learners? I remember taking Calculus 100, the TA in charge would copy verbatim example from the Calculus text book onto a Greenboard. Them students would dutifully copy this stuff into their notebooks and that was considered teaching. I hope this type of teaching, and I use the term loosely,  is no longer happening with the advent of cheap tablets.

Undoubtedly we are all getting older yet I'm still fascinated that a Superman logo can be done only using math, and I don't have any idea of how that is done. :(

If I were teaching Math today, that example alone would draw the attention of all of my students in class.;...*Lamina.SupermanInsignia

Abdelhamid Belaid: Constructs the entire Alphabet using math:
he also does 3d models using only math equations.

So here is a simple question: can the letter A be generated in grasshopper using his math formula?

Thanks for listening!

Views: 2350

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Hmm... alphabet if too complex for my primitive (if (this) do_that; else do_something_else;) mind but if you replace letters with ... er ... hmm ... pasta (fusilli ala Vodka anyone?) I have the solution for you.

bon appetit


Thanks Peter:

I can just imagine using  your Vodka Math analogy in a classroom, The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) would literally run me out of the colonies, ...but probably not in Europe..... LOL!


Political correctness (another great Law Suit invention for our Plastic Is Fantastic Times) is really an issue (not to mention lack of humor). BTW: this disease it's global.

I'll prepare ASAP the V2: Fusilli NOT ala Vodka (PTA happy => your salary/future assured).

more soon, The Lord of Darkness

I catched in the morning davids comment about some math teachings on youtube! But comment is gone now ;(

I had similar fascination towards math and form relation .It was amazing to see how sin and cos multiplied over range gave spiral. Maybe we should get basics very well and start small .

Yes start small, but still you not know the consequences.

What does the following do:  "if, & , abs, sqrt, ^ (power), what / (dividing) or how simple  -  (subtraction) affects an equation, these are the finer details of complex math equations, which drive me crazy.... :) 

I'll answer my own question .... yes GH can. I just don't what causes the Math to make the letter A. (its all in the details...:))


Sorry!.... I forgot to give credit to David Stasiuk for the original script

Haha, why haven't I seen this post before?

Well done Kim!

Differential Geometry  <- this was a great course btw :)


There are also a few great Grasshopper Instructors on line. Some of which donate their lectures to You Tube: Nick Senske is one for example. (thanks Nick!)

Kim, i started Python to understand how math works and understand things deeply, this is best thing i could do for the problem. 

Shridhar, I'm curious to study a Python script component replacement for the VB script component I posted in the script above.
I ask you please to do a conversion at your convenience if possible... TIA!






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