
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I had a problem with spring so I can not simulate the form,

I spent 3 days to fix the problem but it does not work and the file is always hang and lag so I feel like I wasted a lot of my time,

Please could anyone help me to fix it or give me the advice,

I really highly appreciate it,

Thank you very much,


Views: 661


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Hi Kien,

Scaling the whole model up will stop the zero start length error, but the bigger problem here is the mesh quality, and it will not give good results without changing this.

Relaxation as used in Kangaroo works best when the input mesh to relax does not have too extreme variation in edge lengths. In the mesh used here some of the longest edges are thousands of times longer than the shortest edges:

When you loft as in this definition it creates NURBS, and when you pass this surface to the Weaverbird mesh subdivision component, it gets converted to a mesh using the default settings, which does not result in good edge lengths.

Subdivision meshes can be an excellent starting point for relaxation, but it is usually better to build the input mesh before this subdivision directly as a mesh, so you have more control over it. In this case it looks like these cone shapes could be made with just 5 or 6 quads each.

Dear Daniel,

Please could you help me to upload the grasshopper file so I can research it,

Because my purpose is collecting the model after the simulation, so I hope in the case that the vault is not perfect but maybe after simulation, they are still good for my project,

Another problem that this file makes my laptop always lag and hang over time,

I feel like spent a lot of time just wait for lagging and hanging.

Hope you can help,

Thank you so much,







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