
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David,

I need to get internal data from multiple slider. I found here and here, where you talk about the tick, saying tickCount gives the number of possible values that allows the slider with that configuration. But something I'm doing wrong, because to me it does not correspond to the value it should have. You could have a look ( to attached file) when you have time?

Ahh! Also, when I set a value for tickCount, the only thing that change is the rail steps, the amount of vertical mini lines seen in the rail.

Another thing. I have not been able to find a hole to get Snap values, how do I access them to get a list or an array of this anchored values set by the user?

Thank you very much.

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The first question is answered:
I was accessing from NumericSlider.Slider.TickCount() instead from NumbericSlider.TickCount(). However, I still do not know which/what refers the first.

Still not how to access the Snap Values.

note that tickfrequency is about the little vertical lines drawn on the slider rail, whereas TickCount refers to the total number of distinct values the slider can assume.

I see, thank you.

And how to access to the snapping values?

Snap ranges were added very late and they are not exposed in the SDK.

Ya... then there is no way to access them, right?
Thanks for your time David.

Hi David, is there any way to access the methods in Genepool objects ? I am looking for a way to retrieve the domain and other methods of the genepool objects in python script ?






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