algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hello GH community.
After lots of tuts and play around with GH, I love it.
Today, I stumbled on one single image which I immediately fall in love with the model,, I tried to do this with GH+Rhino, failed. My knowledge of GH is still very limited.
I am wondering could the GH community give a hit? P.S I have managed to produce the starfish like shape, but the part which stopped me is the interlinked and how to put this starfish shape onto a sphere and connect each of the tentacles?
Hi Alex Thank you for this. It is super cool. I have tried this, got one issue. There are zero thickness after I applied wb subd. Is there anyway we can get a none-zero thickness? Attached are the screen shots to better explain the issue.
Thank you again for this.
I think if you welded the "ribbons" before giving thickness this would result continuity.
Hi Alex
Thank you for the hint, unfortunately, I do not really know how to weld "ribbons", could you possibly please shed light on my way?
Thank you again.
Hello Kim
I love Topmod too. However, the biggest issue with Topmod is, it crashes a lot, furthermore, the it only provided very limited scale control, aah, if I want to use it print something, it is going to be a nightmare. This is where the beauty of GH stands out......
Hello Bizkit,
it crashed indeed, but there are times that i thought i has crashed, but it just needed time to compute the command, seeming crashed while at it. there was a case that a veru hard subdivision completed in 2 1/2 hours.
about the ribbons, i was thinking that if you end up with a mesh without thickness and weld all its vertices, then the thicknes would not result those stitched areas.
Yes and you still need a watertight mesh before it can be considered Shapeways doable. I usually use Meshman to check .OBJ or .STL meshes. If it does not display in Meshman there is usually problem.
Used Dodecahedron used its pentagonal surfaces and the corners trimmed using sphere give 3 edge geometry.
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