
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Feel free to post any requests, suggestions or observations for Geometry Gym components here.

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Just downloaded GG for Grasshopper and was in the process of testing it out when I hit upon this error message.
Hi Astro/Naught,

There's an issue at the moment with the way Grasshopper loads plug-ins with files outside of the Grasshopper folder. I am discussing this with Steve and David, but for the time being, here's the fix (It's in the latter parts of the installation steps outlined here: )

Start Rhino, Start Grasshopper, run the Rhino command GrasshopperDeveloperSettings and untick COFF loading. Restart Rhino and it should work. If you still have problems, please let me know.


Hi Jon,

Many thanks for setting up this group and for all your help so far.

We had very positive feedback on the Network Cell Patch component in Geometry Gym.
As illustrated below, We applied the component to a Gridshell-like structure made of irregular Geodesic curves intersecting.

One problem which we could not solve was how to generate a mesh for each 3d cells.
The best we could do was to apply a delauney component to the control points of the cell.
Delauney components do not include a boundary as input so the mesh connects every point creating unwanted mesh faces as shown below.

Would it be very difficult to create a tool which would solve this problem ?

Another great addition would be to get the edge cells as a separate output within the network patch tool (in green below).

hoping these requests are useful for everyone and not too hard to implement,

Ognek and Arthur

Here are the files for the topic above.

Hi Arthur and Ognek,

I think the attached definition is along the lines of what you are trying to achieve?

I think you might get an even better result by using the perimeter curves to split the original surface.

I added an option to the CurveNetworkPatch component to generate a surface or a perimeter curve. I couldn't quickly get your definition above to work, so I used one you sent earlier. You need to download the latest version of StructDrawRhino from Let me know if you've further ideas, suggestions or requirements.


Hi Jon,

Many thanks for the addition, it's a great improvement to our workshop definition!
How are the surfaces generated ? They seem to all bulge out and/or be divided in subsurfaces.

We have tried to plug the output mesh to the mesh relaxation component of GG but not sure how to make it work...

Please find attached our updated definition,
We would like to make a video for the students if you are ok with it.

It would also be amazing if we could add surfaces to the edge but appreciate that this might be a bit complicated to do.

Greetings from London,

Ognek and Arthur

Hi Arthur, the surfaces are created from 4 edge curves. If the patch has more than 4 edges, it joins adjacent edges until it has 4 curves (which is the strategy Robert suggested you use for his minimal surface solver). I'll take a look at your model and see if I can improve it. But I think a better strategy is to split the original surface by the polygon.

I'll also look at what is happening with the edges and fix that. Give me a prod next week if you haven't heard of any updates.

Nice work by you both,


Hi Jon,

This is my file that im working with at the moment. As you can see the beams are nicely connected.

Thanks for your help


btw I have also looked at your blog and the earlier examples called 'symmetry and connectivity', 'generating structure in rhino' and 'Geodesic dome' but I dont think they solve this problem


I just found out as well that the ssiRhinoifc props box does not work for me. You can see in the immage that the first drop down item is black and for some reason when I tick the 'mesh' box for the second drop dwon item rhino crashes..




Hi Adam,


I should disable that dialog on the IFC plugin, it's still work in process.


At present, the suggested workflow is generate the members in StructDrawRhino, the IFC plugin can identify the catalogue shapes from there if you export the objects from Rhino.


This table will be filled out though if you generate section properties from Grasshopper using the IFC component.


I'll try and have a look at your other model shortly.









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