
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

GHEloqueraDB  v0.1

i just finished v 0.1 of my database plugin for grasshopper. it might be helpful for all of you who are parsing txt files like i did. i use eloquera (, which is an embeddable open source object database like the more popular db4o.

at this time the included components can:
- write data to an eloquera desktop database
- read data to from an eloquera desktop database
- read the stored item.origin Ids from all groupmembers
- execute a simple sql query
- backup the database
- open a stored database

copy all files in the components directory. (GHEloqueraDB.gha + 4 eloquera files)

the database is stored in "c:\grasshopper_general.eq", the backups are stored in "c:\" too.

the simple example shows how to work with the components.

i hope some of you find these components as useful as i do,
matthias standfest

Views: 1402


Replies to This Discussion

Wow this a good idea!
I'll install it as soon as I can. Thank you for sharing this.

Can you explain a little more if the write components perform serialization of all types to database. How should they be used?

Which version of Grasshopper did you compile GHEloqueraDB with?

Thanks again,

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
Well done Matthias. I'm sure a lot of people will find this very useful.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
WOW. Very cool. What an extremely useful tool!

Thank you!
Super Cool! Any demos or example files (Besides the one shown...meaning an example showing an application)? Looking forward to installing this!
Thx for sharing!
Can you explain what can we do wuth this?
Great stuff, Matthias! Thank you so much for sharing. I think that this tool could be incredibly useful.

I am curious...from the little tinkering I've done with it, it appears that each "write database" component will take a single group name assignment. Is this correct? Or is it possible to assign different group names to multiple objects? It also looks like the simple SQL query operates for selecting items by Group ID. I tried executing some Count, Group By and Order By commands according to the Eloquera directions, but they didn't seem to work. Is it possible that I'm using the wrong syntax, or are these functions not supported? I'm so sorry to ask so many questions...I appreciate your work, and can only imagine how much time you've put into this tool. I'm just really excited about the prospect of having a really robust tool for reading from and writing to a database system that also allows for sophisticated SQL operation.

thanks again!
Wohooo!! Great plugin man :) Thanks for sharing.

Best regards.

Ángel Linares.
i'm glad you like it!
this winter i'm working on my master thesis on the theoretical background of multiagent systems and collaborative design networks in architecture. the database part is just a spin off of the whole work, i hope to publish the rest in january. for this components i plan to:
1) improve sql capability, data should be stored in it's native type
2) build network / multiuser access to the database

first of all i added another example on how to handle the components, and some info on how the objects are stored. but in detail:

i used gh 8.01, rhino 4 sr8, eloquera, c# .net 3.5. i', not sure what "serialization" means in this context, but the objects (GH_line, GH_Point) are stored as Listand also read this way, without converting into sth else.

i don't have any example of my actual work i can show you yet, my university is very restrictive in this matter. i work on a multiagent system and needed a db backend to read my environment from, but i'm sure you can use the component for any type of animation. (the agent code and the other modifications are going to be published in january.)

in this version you cant assign multiple group names to the component, i consider it for future improvements. other sql query code is supported, because of the storing as object and not e.g. GH_Line many of the tools are still useless. you may apply this code on the group, type or id string. please see my example for further information.

been waiting a lot of time for this

thanks for sharing!






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