
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Code Graph mapper basic surface parametric division

Can anybody tel me, why the parametric divison only function at a small small small corner of a big surface, i tried with several sizes of surfaces, but the parameter controled of graphmapper, does only showed in a mini part of the surface

Views: 1245

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Can you upload the file (with the surface internalised)?


Here is the Rhino file with a basic surface and the grasshopper file.

The divison shows, in a very small corner of the surface


Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The problem is your Graph Mapper is operating on Domains. It only works on numbers, so it decides to treat each domain as a single number (namely the length of each domain). This number then gets modified, and eventually it gets converted back into a domain. However this process is not lossless. You loose the original position.

The solution you're looking for is much simpler:

There is still a bug, the Conic graph is clearly busted, I think probably because weighted control points behaviour has changed in the Rhino sdk since it was written.


Yeah, I fixed the Conic graph bug, the next beta of Rhino6 will have a working Conic graph again.

Thank you do not excuse i am sure you are busy, it it the graphmapper.

Now it works.

Like realy grasshopper, amazing tool, takes time to learn well, but realy so perfect.

I am architect , and always was inspired of nature, Grasshopper is also connected with nature, the mathematical functions.







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