
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey ppl.

New to this forum. New to GH. Trying to pick up GH on my own, currently going through Andrew Payne's Manuel/tutorials.

The question I ask might be very basic for a lot of you. I'm getting to get a strong grip of the program's concept. thanks for all your help/comments in advance.

I'm having a hard time understanding "list management".

Attached are the files that I am experimenting, it's based on Andrew Payne's "shifting circle" tutorial. I want to connect every Nth point on one circle to the Nth point on the next circle, much like "shifting circle". In this case, all the circles (paths) are compiled into one list, how do I sort them out? How would I control the list?

any advice? any suggestion on an efficient to learn GH?


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Hi, it looks good to me. And as you show in your example, those seven circles are on different branches. The problem is when you take one point from each of those circles you cannot make one interpolated curve from that. (It actually tries to make seven curves, but since there's just one point on each branch you get an error saying theres not enough points to create the curve).

Use the flatten component to put all points on the same branch.

thx Lars! I'll def check it out.
Lars, firstly, thx for your reply. I finally have time to see what you posted, work has been busy (that's a good thing these days)

I see what you mean by flattening the paths, however, it only connects the "0th" points of every path. How would i connect, say, 1 st pt on the 1st curve w/ 2nd pt on the 2nd curve; 3rd pt of 2nd curve w/ 4th pt on 3rd curve ... so on. i'm trying to create the connecting line separately, rather than 1 continuous line.

The only way I know of doing it without scripting is to use List Item.

But I'm afraid that when you're finished it won't be such a nice and tidy definition...






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