
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

Is there a way to globally bake everything that is previewed in the Rhino viewport?

I searched for it in the menus, even here at the forum but found nothing. 

I have a situation where I have to bake dozens of tags and dimensions plus some geometry. And while I can connect the geometry to a single Bake component, the tags and dimensions do not offer such possibility.

Am I missing something or maybe is this only accomplished with a simple script?

Am I crazy or there used to be an icon for "baking all" on the top right, next to the preview adjustment icons, in earlier versions of GH?

Thanks, all the best,

Views: 927

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Ctrl+A, Insert

However not everything that previews is bakeable, some components implement previewing but do not provide the necessary functionality to convert those previews to Rhino objects.

Hi David, 

I should have mentioned specifically that items with preview disabled in the Rhino viewport should not be baked. 

Ctrl+A, Ins, bakes everything in the definition, as you very well know.

All the best.

Agreed...I would love an option to bake only those components that are set to 'preview', instead of baking everything in the GH definition. I haven't found an option to do that yet.

It is rather painful to manually select the 'previewed' components and then bake only those. As the GH definitions get more and more complex, and the 'previewed' components are more and more spaced out, it gets harder and harder to select all the correct components.

The only solution I've found so far is to manually drag the components I wish to bake into their own group. It's not the prettiest, most organized definition, but that's what I'm working with so far...

FabTools will do the trick!





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