
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey everyone!

I got a problem with theese two curves.. I just want two make a surface right between them, but no function works properly.. the main problem is that one of the curves is planar and the other one is projected onto a surface.. please can anybody help me? my brain can't work on this anymore..

thank you!

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Always post your def(s) (+ data) when calling the cavalry. 

But appears as a seam to seam match issue or control to control points mismatch (in 99,99% of "odd" Lofts this is the reason) or profiles direction mismatch or some topology "oops" moment (for instance: one profile closed and the other open for whatever reason) or ... hmm ... just bad Karma, he he.

Hey Peter,

I changed the uploaded datas so you can have a deeper look on this. What I really want is a clean surface from edge to edge between the "Neue Kurve" and the "surface ausschneiden" curves. The "Neue Kurve" is the Planar curve and the other one is projected onto the surface. The idea is to have a planar surface in the size of the "neue kurve" with the height 40 and a soft transition up to the normal surface..

Is the problem discription clear? Can anybody help?

Thanks and greatz..

That's very easy. Allow me some minutes to add "some" options

Get this ... but (as usual) wait (some minutes more) for the much better V2


Of course V3 is much better

he he


you made it just perfect..

helped me out a lot!


If you see V3 it could blow your mind ... he he (it's just that haven't found some minutes to finish it).

Soon (I do hope)

This practice of mine is a disease: always something happens and a man can't have some piece.

Here's the proper way to do it. There's a PlanC.B option provided in case that you don't like sweepTwoRails (I don't).

In fact the PlanC.B is probably best since gaps are always present: thus use the EdgeSurf option that allows to to join the Breps.

I've output a lot of stuff (see what C# gives you other than the Breps) in case that you want to play with some of them.

Why this segmented approach? because "bridging" edgy polylines and smooth curves guaranties a certain disaster for obvious reasons. Patch could cut the mustard as well but not as exposed here.

best, Peter   


Sweep2 does stupid things. I've included the by Edges option into the script. Use rather this and forget Sweep2 (was always problematic, still is).


the version 4 really works fantastic.. thats what i needed to have! thanks a lot!

Minor changes in order to avoid a red alert.


And finally(?) the proper thing:

Imagine a bad girl (a polyline that yields non manifold Surf segments: "twisted" so to speak). Call Ghostbusters? No .. try the V6 instead. Added some parameters more that allow/deny odd stuff depending on the state of the polyline. Added a wrong test polyline as well controlled by this gate:

Now if you like the better safe than sorry option, V6 does it for you:

if however you like odd stuff:

PS: Check the testJoinBreps option.







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