
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,

is there an equivalent in GH to Rhino's ptPanelGridQuads command? Perhaps I have missed it, but I can't find it.  I am trying to make planar surface pieces from a double curved surface, and ptPanelGridQuads nicely triangulates where the quad deviation is too far from the original surface.

-thanks, Michael

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Well ... the good news are that you can use the def attached (works on any SurfList). The bad news are that is not a component: I had a lot of similar cases (~50) made with classic GH components but I've replaced them all with code (and been idiot I've deleted the old defs). Anyway with that thing you have a myriad of options (does "frames" as well) and 4 planar map modes (according to triad that you choose from the 4 subdivided surface "corners" available).

It's also rather easily doable with GH components - notify if it's a matter of life or death for you.

have fun, best, Peter


Thank you Peter.  I am looking at it and it's certainly interesting-- may take some time for me to digest it.  Best, Michael

I assume that you are not familiar with code - but pretend that's a "protected" cluster (or some plug-in).

Notify if you discover any bug (it doesn't work with Surface DataTrees mind but I can add a few lines if Lists are not sufficient for your scope).

best, Peter

I can code in Java so I can read the cluster.  Haven't taken it in fully yet, though!

Ah ... you belong to the family then, he he. That's a rather happy coincidence.

PS: bug discovered and corrected: some wrong stuff when you want to perforate surfaces and create a closed brep. Now works fine.

DELETE/DISCARD the old (v1) faulty thing ASAP.

PS: We don't call these things "clusters" (It's simply a C# script).

best, Peter


Added another dimension to all DataTrees related with second level divisions (sub-subdivisions) for a better organization (was a bit "flat"). 

Note: first level subdivision output (planar/non planar sub-surfaces) IS NOT affected by the subU/subV values related with the second level (that makes Points/Vectors and u/v params anyway).  

You know what to do, he he: DELETE/DISCARD ... blah, blah


BTW: Are you after that type of stuff?

I am after stuff like this : ) Love this project. 

Thanks again, Peter. And very cool images. Actually I'm trying to panellize a free-form surface for construction with bamboo sheets. So planarity is important, but so is the joint between two planes (that's the next step).

Hmm ... I say (dihedral stuff appears critical in this case for "tapering" the modules)

Well ... what could be the difference if you use triangles (as shown in your demo) instead of quads?   Or you are influenced by the current "planar modules at any cost" AEC trend ? (the more the edges the better, he he).  

PS: you use "interstices" to connect them? right? 

PS: and why not use "saturated" thin layers left dry (under slight pressure in some sort of roughcast "mold") and then glue them together? But this works OK with, say, 4mm marine plywood.

BTW: After playing with a variety of freaky C# things of mine I must say that this request of yours (the planar Pts quads out of non planar Pts quads) can't being (*) addressed that way: you need to achieve planarity in quads (subsurfaces edges from some surf division) the way Evolute Tools Pro does (maybe Kangaroo can do some stuff on that matter -  but I don't have such a test case).

(*) Unless the surface is "mild" and "some" sandpaper is available.






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