
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Unwanted Loft twist (no matter what the start point)


I have a circle lofted to a an oblong (joined curves and lines).

It doesn't matter where I rotate the start point of the circle to, it still remains the same twist.

Any alternatives or suggestions? 

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It's very easy to fix that > post your def.


I've re-tried the rotation (as it seems I wasn't applying the rotation) properly.

But as soon as I go to change the circle radius < oblong width I then have to manually reset the the orientation.

Is this a standard? or can I implement a rail/guide?


This is what I'm doing, dont laugh. :)


Apparently the perfect rotation is -1.571 if you have this definition setup.

Have some fun with this as well


And for a delirium of twisted things ...


Thanks, these are crazy cool, you might just be a wizard if I hadent seen the code myself. 

I feel the same way when peter posts solutions *:)

He he: I could provide to you with some XXXXXL delirium things (multiply the "crazy" "...a_bit_more_v2..."  * 100+) but they use C# and not GH components.

But if you feel brave enough to wrestle with the Evil ...

he he 

On the other hand I was thinking that if you are new to the Asylum > you'll try to do something with that Loft > thus > you'll hit the Wall (not the Pink Floyd thing) sooner or later as regards these mysterious DataTrees (an "ordered" collection of single dimension Lists).

And this is the worst possible way to get the gist of them (no ... wait ... I mean the "best", he he). Added a small challenge for the brave as well.

On the other hand GH can operate on another "higher" Level as well (that could sample all these into a single "component" - not a cluster). But that's another story.


As peter's first example shows, the trick is to adjust both curve seams - this will dictate where the loft sort of "begins" and "ends." Here's a simple example of that without any unnecessary hijinks. 


+1 (KISS edition)






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