
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I've this solid with voronoi 3D.

I created a structure like ask image using WbLaplace
(from here:

Now I would need that the thickness of my rod is reduced at a specific point within the box.
Example: I make a point inside the box and all rod close at that point decrease their thickness.

Someone would know help you do something like this?
Thank You

This is the image

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Hmm ... this is interesting (you mean that you need a variable R in Exo due to some attractor point(s) policy??)

Get this "not-yet-solved" for the moment and V2 (the trad update that does things ... "better") is under way.


Thank you again.

Yes, I need of 2 variables in EXO:

the first for general radius of rods and the second for radius of rod that are located near the attractor point! This radius is dependent by the FORCE of Attractor field point.

Your model is perfect! Only that I need to fill even the inside edge of the model not just the ones on the surface.

OK ... but ... you are not some serial killer aren't you? (no offense, but all that freaky stuff with bones, he he)

more soon

Ah ah I'm a biomedical researcher!!!

But that's exactly what the other guy did as a cover.

Anyway ... to clarify (before the variable option(s)):

Is this what you want? (as topology ONLY: meaning "inside" edges) 

Yes it is correct! I've got this topology yet but your is Perfect!
Why some edges are not filled?

Allow me a couple of minutes (Good news: you can declare this case as solved/closed, he he. Bad news: slow).

Do you want a collection of attractors? or just one?

more (the V2. that is) rather soon.


I need at least 2 or 3 point attractor!


Exo W is highly temperamental: turns red more frequently than my 1199 breaks down.

Anyway I've spend an hour more on that one (a C# controls almost everything before Exo W: 2 working modes, push/pull options, any attractor number is well come, any brep tree as input etc etc).

bad news: in most of cases, the mesh looks like this:  (+ a permanent red Exo W):

It is good!!!!! 

I've found that proximity-based curve networks are a little easier to use than voronoi, because the edge lengths get so small. Of course you can use voronoi in a similar way - using something like Topologizer to eliminate small edges - but the attractor logic can be very simple:

I'm using a Kangaroo component here to eliminate duplicate lines.







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