
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

meshing for triangular surfaces with the same mesh-density

Dear All,

please see attached my picture.

I would like to get a mesh on the triangular surface, where the density all along the surface quite the same is. The border of my mesh should be on the input curve..

Unfortunately I am not satisfied with my 3 different way.. (because everywhere I get corners, where the density is bigger)

Any idea?

(I like mostly the millipede way, but I am still not satisfied)



Views: 773


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Try this definition (you'll need the latest Kangaroo installed, which includes this MeshMachine component)


When I install latest kangaroo 099, I got an error massage

But I don't really understand, why is it warning me.. the plankton.dll is also there (see attached)



now I tried yours.. the boundary component works in 1 plan..(see attached the pictures)

If I use surface, or lines in 3d, the mesh will be more dense in 1 corner too :-(

Any idea, how can I get same mesh distribution?

Thank You


Hi Zoltan,

In those images the remesher has not actually been run.

In my definition I had set the bottom 2 inputs as shown

(Sorry - I set them as internal inputs, so I can see how the confusion arose)

What this does is initialize the meshing and run 25 iterations.

Good Morning,

it works perfectly. Thank you for the support

Looks great..thanks..I will try it in the morning
Thanks Daniel,

I have to refresh my kangaroo..
I will give my feedback later, but your picture looks exactly what I intended to get..thx


the error massage is (attached)


Have you checked that all the dll files are unblocked?

Thank You Daniel, finally I found my problem..

the plankton.gha file was not copied into the correct position and was not unblocked

Thanks for the support






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