
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I have branches of an L system, piped in different sizes. I would like to use the end points of outer branches as attractor points to a surface near my L system, to deform my surface and make the surface and L system act as the continuation of each other. But i could not. Would be great if you guys can help.I have a deformed 2D surface, yet it doesn't work for multiple points or 3D. May explain a little bit;

Thank you! 

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You mean that you want a "grid" (or a truss or whatever) to "fuse" with some fractal thing? (or several).

Say create a truss that instead of column(s) has fractal system(s) etc etc.

If so I can do something for you soon (but using solely C# code) - describe exactly what is your goal (or one goal out of many, he he).

In the mean time, get this.

best, Peter


Hi Peter, Thank you very much for your command.

Yes, i created a basic L system, yet i am trying to connect this fractal tree with a (simply saying) box above it. So i need this fractal tree which has different pipe widths to "fuse" organicly into the box above. Yet, i am beginner to grasshopper as it is obvious, and i have no idea about scripts, so i am not sure if i can modify it or not.

Best, Hamide 

The lenght of each branch is inversely proportional to its width. a quick sketch to explain the form. Thank you a lot!!

best, hamide

Kind of like this, yet the connection will be also organic.

OK, that's really very easy (but the solution could be made entirely with C# - no GH component of any kind).

PS: I'll add a myriad of options (any surface straight or curvy, any number of"columns", column mode(s), ability to create a variety of trusses (for freaks) out of these, the usual VodkaFactor option (makes chaos) ... plus: the ability to put 1 cat and 3.45 dogs in the top surface(s)).

PS: by "organic" you mean TSplines or ... er ... hmm meshes? (I hate meshes).

PS: is this academic? (meaning 1M miles from reality) or you intend to make some real-life "canopy" out of these?

more soon, best, Peter.

hahaha ok Peter, thanks!

Looking forward to.


In the mean time, get a "tech preview" about the vodka factor

he he


By the way, i just noticed the endnotes, yes it will be academic, a tubular port for the only country in a different planet of another universe kinda far away from reality. Thanks for the advice!

OK, the solution should be adjusted for Planet Pink then.

Testing some stuff (this thing shown is NOT a mesh): are you familiar with TSplines? (there's another way to achieve "organic" (Exoskeleton and the likes) but the problem with me is that I hate meshes).


Hmm ... I say (all images shown: TSplines):

1. Doing C# code (in a chaotic state right now - not for public eyes: embarrassment at the max, he he) for the wire part is rather easy (but NOT a L_system: we don't need a myriad of lines).

2. Doing the organic part with TSplines 4.x is highly problematic for a variety of reasons: the main is that this approach is by default interactive whilst GH is NOT an "iterative/interactive" solver (so to speak).

3. Did someone mentioned Exoskeleton + Topologizer? (Plan B)

more soon(?), best Peter

Get this "static" output/test as well (TSplines is required).


Hello again! was that created in grasshopper or just t-splines for rhino?






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