
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

We know this is a commonly discussed topic, but we've haven't find any good answer so far :  


How one could proceed to generate a WebGL interactive online 3D model (.js format) from a grasshopper 3D model, conserving all parameters (like sliders etc...) and being able to interactively edit it on the web ?


We heard about the following reference :

Chrysalis project, but it seems to have stopped/failed ???


The best lead we got so far would be to export in processing.js and export again in WebGL !


The only successful and best exemple of what we're after is the work of nervous system :

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance !

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The path was only need to start to code :P

There is no easy/direct/ready-to-use solution for this problem in the present. If you find/code it I'll be happy to test ;)

The problem here is that Grasshopper runs on top of Rhino...

So unless you want to rewrite all the geometry generation and transformation functions of Rhino and Grasshopper in WebGL, this isn't going to happen.

(Or just rewrite some small subset of them, and limit the GH definitions to those functions - which appears to be what that Chrysalis project was doing).

(see also David's answers here about controlling GH/Rhino on a remote machine)

Alternatively, I suppose you could potentially bake/save your output geometry for all the possible slider value combinations in your definition, and make a web interface for scrolling around the resulting multi-dimensional data set. I think speed could be problematic here though, even if you limited yourself to a few sliders with limited resolution.

Maybe if your output was a mesh, where only the position of the vertices varied-

Then you could just store a table of positions (and maybe have some multi-dimensional interpolation to get a smoothly varying result from a smaller set of sample outputs)

It's not exactly WebGL, but it is a good attempt to get data to the web.  Ben was using SVG to create a workflow between GH and the web.

I think its possible.  Panagiotis Michalatos recently wrote a little script which exports the mesh vertices into a proper JSON object, which can be read by a webgl program.  We've been using it for a class that he is teaching at the GSD this semester.  The data isn't 'live' in that it's a single export of the mesh vertices... but I don't think it would be impossible to figure out a workflow to update the vertex positions based on solution cycles.  I don't really have much time to look into this in the near future... but perhaps early in Jan I can take a look.


Thanks Andy !

In our preliminary attempts, we have written a obj. to json converte, which works fine. But we are now actually having troubles to update all the associative parameters that belongs to the grasshopper model without baking each potential object...

Please let us know if you find time to have a look at it more deeply. It will help us a lot, and probably everyone here in the near future !


Do you know where I can find that script from Panagiotis?

Thank you allot!

Perhaps we can make a fork or adaption to Threenode.js

Example / demo here

It stores the geometry and process in a JSON object.

hey, i have been solving this problem a year ago. basically, you could stream your mesh to website and using webgl to render your model in certain format, i did it in JSON. here is the video of the demo:

check directly at 3'34" , and later one there is a realtime slider simulation and a real time kinect scan simulation, all using the same technique.

Does anyone know how to get rid of Crysalis?

It is causing lost keystrokes... especially 'enter'!

please help.. cant see Crysalis in Special Folders or Uninstall programs in windows.


I worked on the subject for several months: WebGlue 3D!

With Exemple CUBE 3D

-Create a user interface configurable on the web

-Generate GHX file with the parameters needed (GHX 2)

GHX File generated:

-Copie & Past File generated

-Plug the WIRES in the definition ghx (GHX1)

-Add WegGlue 3D component (created AWD 3D File for Away 3D)

-Load  Finale GHX File  (definition + parameter) (GHX 3= GHX 1 + GHX2)

-The Web GL is created with GHX File and parameter (parameter is not shown on image)

We are currently working on this: Zetoff - Import

The alpha version will be private and we need volunteers! ;)

Hi PolGuixe,

I am very interested.

thank you beforehand.







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