
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all Karamba users,

I've been discussing with Clemens (and advancing on) a utility to extract the Karamba Structural Analysis model so that it could be verified or advanced in alternative commercial structural analysis software.  I know that Karamba can presently export to RSTAB, but I'm working on enabling this further for a wider range of software.

At least initially the primary options are the software that I have developed plugins for.  This includes Oasys GSA, Autodesk Robot, SAP2000, Sofistik, Spacegass, Strand7/Straus7 and hopefully shortly SCIA.  The way this exporter would work also means that any structural analysis software recognizing the structural analysis aspects of IFC could also be utilized.

At present I've developed various plugins to allow user generation of model data from grasshopper, but a Karamba exporter would allow users to operate entirely in Grasshopper for initial design, but then automatically extract the model without rebuilding all the components with geomgym equivalents.  This would permit verification of the model results, and often projects have mandates on using specific (often certified) software for detailed design calculations.

If you're interested in participating in the early testing and advancing of this feature, please post here or get in touch.



Views: 5862

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Hi Jon,

Is there any forthcoming date for releasing the exporter to SAP2000? Would love to test that! 



Hi Rafael,

You can download for v17.1 from here:

If you want a different version, you can email me and I'll build and upload it.



Hi Jon,

 thanks for sharing your fantastic job!

I don't understand if it's possible convert the Karamba model into sap2000 model.



Hi Marco,

Nice to hear from you.

Yes, it's possible.  You can download the converter from IFC to SAP v17.1.1 from here:

If you need to use a different version of SAP, let me know.



I have tried to convert my first file in sap2000 with IFC but I received this warning.
PS: in file path I must insert an existent file or the location of future file?

Hi Marco,

New builds of the plugin will include a rhino specific command and will enable the license request command from other developments to recognize the installation of Karamba converter.  Check your email for a new license file.

New builds permit the user to define a folder (and the gh definition name will be used as a default).  The file doesn't have to be existing. You can also nominate a .ifczip file (as for large FEA models the IFC is quite big).



Hi Jon,

thanks for your support.

The license is correctly uploaded.

Now,when I'm going to convert IFC to SAP, the below image appears!

Can I use the standard import of SAP?

Is it the same operation?



Hi Marco,

Strange.  I'd really need you to email (or dropbox etc) the resulting IFC so I can take a look at this.

You can try the standard import of SAP2000, but they don't necessarily recognize the structural analysis attributes of IFC.  Also I've primarily been using IFC4 for the improvements it has.  You'd need to download the latest version where you can nominate IFC2x3.

Your error should be fast to fix if I can get it to occur on my computer.



With an another file, this problem doesn't appears! (Y)

Sure, so if you can share the file that did cause the problem, I'll take a look.  

This is the file that give me error!


Can you please download this new build and see if it also works for you?








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