
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I wondered why on the component Brep Closest Point does not have an output plane. Might be something like the picture? I think it would be useful...

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Hi Dani, I think all data you need is the point and the closest point to create the plane:EDIT: whoops: got the vector reversed: change P.X - cp.X in cp.X - P.X etc. Sorry.


Thanks for the reply, Pieter. But the method to build a plane with a point and a vector does not correspond to the normal of the surface on the brep. 

Well, I'm still too foggy in my brain from all the snot (excuser le mot), I should be in bed... But I think the direction should be okay, otherwise it wouldn't be the closest point, right? Forget my edit from before. I'm off!

Well, when the closest point is very close to an edge, the normal direction must be perpendicular to one face, with plane (pt, Vect) does not happen.

personally I think its not necessary as its not always needed. That's why the evaluate component exists. If anything uvP makes more sense to be part of that component. 

The breps have UV coordinates? I mean, without being those of their separate surfaces.

Well, it is not necessary but neither superfluous, as had the def. I thought... why not add the normal plane (or uv's) to the component for a future version?

I meant along the lines of Danny. UVp for that surface of that brep.

I used this component this week and my wish at the time was to identify which surface of the BRep the point was related to so that I could then do things with that surface based on which point it was closest to.

NB: In my mind this makes complete sense :S

Here's a script to output the normal vector of the BRep at its closest point - this should be sufficient to retrieve the plane. 


Thanks Andrew ! But I found a bug... Resulting vector is perpendicular to the normal, sometimes.

I don't unterstand c# yet, so I can't write over this script.

Yeah, this is a strange behavior of RhinoCommon's own "Brep Closest Point" function. I've modified the script to get around it. Hopefully this is closer to what you need. 


Thanks Andrew, I will store in my panel components ;)






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