
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Digital Craft and fabrication Ruled Surface Curvature analysis

Hi Guys,

I am currently studying digital fabrication at university, we are required to take a form made in grasshopper and use various forms surface analysis to aid the fabrication process of this form. 

For example taking a curved pattern identified from the surface analysis and using them to create score lines within the material to relive stress on the fabricated surface.

I have taken these supplied plug-ins and applied them to my surface, however I am having trouble making it work, particularly converting the points into a curve.

If someone could look at these error messages and let me know where I am going wrong I would be very grateful. 

I am also struggling to figure out how I will 'bake' these curves onto the actual surface of the soon to be laser cut file itself as I understand I cannot 'unroll' a series of curves in Rhino.

Grasshopper is very new to me so please do excuse any miss-used terminology or stupid questions. 

I would welcome for any help and advice you can give me on this matter.

Many thanks,


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Mama mia ...  this IS chaos (but chaos is just a flipped order, so stay cool).

I'm going to make a small (and simple(*)) tutorial about how to beat chaos and make ... more chaos (what else? he he).

PS: the Pink thing has null stuff (someone did the "right" thing when modeling that). Null is not exactly nothing ... but is close, he he.

(*) if you believe that ...

more, soon

Hi Peter, 

Correct me if I'm wrong but is the above a modified version of what I supplied ?

Thank you so much, any help you can give me would be amazing. This work is giving many sleepless nights. 

I look gratefully forward to the 'simple' tutorial ...


Hi Nic,

Yes (in the sense that it uses your data) No (in the sense that it would be different).

To tell you the truth I don't work with components any more but replacing this with some  weird C# code it could be totally useless for you.

In the mean time: have you got the gist of what a DataTree is? (it's NOT a List Of List Of ... it's an "indexed collection" of single dimension Lists, so to speak) 

Yes I understand what a data tree is more now, Im just unsure where I go from here to bake the curves onto the surface. It seems like the surface is being evaluated correctly when I look at the points that are extracted but there seems to be a problem with the interpolate. 

OK, a promise is a promise:

Here's a simple(?) chaotic way to address(?) the mess(?): what's not to like? he he

You can work with one item (surface) or with a data tree of surfaces ...

... in 2 selectable test cases (your data: spot the null surfaces)...

...(data are stored in the goodthings and badthings Layers).

Added the Viz a Data Tree thingy in order to allow easy exploitation of what's happening within these mysterious DataTrees.

If you work with one surface  the path mapper can't keep up with the alteration in path dimensions (but that's expected anyway).

The fact that the curvature thing turns red (case 2) is easily explainable when you observe the output. But it does make the curves.

may The Force (as always the Dark option) be with you

best, Peter


The usual update:

Are you upset by that Red thing (case2, selected surfaces only) > relax > I've just added my notorious HocusPocus (C)(tm)(*) method > no more red > happiness or what?

(*) US patent pending.

best, Peter


PS: Forgot to mention that the surfaces (case2) that turned red the curvature component they were "a bit" problematic:

but the HocusPocus can deal with such trivial things with easy.

Thanks, Peter just getting on with this now. I really appreciate your help! 






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