algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I'm creating a parametric surface with a python script in grasshopper (GhPython), which divides three curves into points, and then creates arcs to join the three curves. It uses the Get.Object command to select the curves, but I'm not able to control the resultant form afterwards in Grasshopper to create Pframes or array a geometry on the surface.
My script:
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc
sc.doc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc
class TanLines:
def __init__(self, _curve, _numOfDivs):
self.curve = _curve;
self.numOfDivs = _numOfDivs
def tanPoints(self,strength):
doms = rs.CurveDomain(self.curve)
minDom = doms[0]
maxDom = doms[1]
ptList = []
tanPtList = []
for i in range (0, self.numOfDivs + 1):
param = (maxDom-minDom)/self.numOfDivs * i
tan = rs.CurveTangent(self.curve, param)
tan = rs.VectorScale(tan, strength)
pt = rs.EvaluateCurve(self.curve, param)
tanPt = rs.VectorAdd(tan, pt)
rs.AddLine(pt, tanPt)
return [ptList, tanPtList]
curve01 = rs.GetObject("pick curve 1", 4)
curve02 = rs.GetObject("pick curve 2", 4)
curve03 = rs.GetObject("pick curve 3", 4)
obj01 = TanLines(curve01,50)
data01 = obj01.tanPoints(-0.1)
obj02 = TanLines(curve02,50)
data02 = obj02.tanPoints(-0.1)
obj03 = TanLines(curve03,50)
data03 = obj03.tanPoints(-0.1)
ptList01 = data01[0] #point list of first line
ptList02 = data01[1] #tan points of first line
ptList03 = data02[0]
ptList04 = data02[1]
ptList05 = data03[0]
ptList06 = data03[1]
count = 0
crvList = [] #establish list of curves
for i in ptList01:
pointsForCurve = [ ptList01[count], ptList02[count], ptList03[count], ptList04[count], ptList05[count], ptList06[count] ]
crv=rs.AddArc3Pt(ptList01[count], ptList06[count], ptList04[count])
count += 1
Surface = rs.AddLoftSrf (crvList)
sc.doc = ghdoc
A = Surface
B = crvList
C = [curve01, curve03]
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Francis,
The reason why you can't control resultant is because your geometry gets added to the Rhino document, while you are trying to edit/create the grasshopper one.
While you can always add your geometry from Rhino to grasshopper document, I would advice you not to use the rs.GetObject function nor switch the documents at all.
You can simply assign each of these three curves (curve01,curve02,curve03) directly, by using grasshoppers' "Curve" parameter.
Check the attached files.
Hi Djordje,
It worked like a charm! Thank you for your help.
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