
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone me trying attractor points.

I'm trying to create a new curve from existed curves' data.

My rule is

- pick the closest point from each curves existed.

- offset that point outside from distance (i didn't start it yet)

- Create a new curve from closest point and data which i pick from existed curves first and last points.

- Loft it each other

so it's kind of performance space that affected by people (point attractor for now) enlarge its shape and turn in to original at the end. but the main problem i can't create curves. And even if i create i am not quite sure that i will manage to enlarge them with that way.

Is it the right "way of thinking" like that kind of problem? or i should change look from different perspective what do you think?

Thank you all!

Views: 370


Replies to This Discussion

Play with this. Of course you may need to add your own rules but this is just a start for you. 


Thanks Michael it looks like it will help me a lot.

By the way sorry that i upload wrong script. If anyone still interest i upload right problematic code. And than as soon as I finish the definition in my interest i will upload that too. 

Have a good day







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